Greetings! A Coreldraw question - If you create a string of text, and set the size of some of the letters at a larger size, and then select the entire line using the Shape tool. Using the arrow keys, move the entire line up or down - the smaller letters move further than the larger, rather than the whole line moving as one object ? If you use the mouse instead, the whole line moves as one? Tried this in X3 and X5, and on more than one computer - so it's definitely a 'feature'. Any thoughts why? I'm guessing it's moving a percentage of the lettering size, but can't figure out why this would be useful/desirable?
It seems to occur in both paragraph & artistic text. The reason I'm doing it is I'm trying to adjust spacing in multiple lines of text.

It seems to occur in both paragraph & artistic text. The reason I'm doing it is I'm trying to adjust spacing in multiple lines of text.