Need feedback of Mutoh ValueJet 1628X or your mutoh experience in general! Thanks
Not sure what type of printing you do, however, we do sublimation.Need feedback of Mutoh ValueJet 1628X or your mutoh experience in general! Thanks
We bought our first solvent based printer looking to get into whatever we can offer our school district. We are knee deep into banners and played with a few car wraps and stickers. What we didn't know was that the metallic and white inks included with the Mutoh 1628X was/is for those that need metallic and white for constant use. If you only plan on printing something with white or metallic maybe once or twice a year, then your wasting your money, your litterly flushing it down the toilet. We found out the hard way and can not turn back to just four color. Anyway...Thanks for the replies so far... I will mainly print on vinyl and banners
And don't worries I have zero interrest in the metallic ink... 4 colors process that's really fine by me.
I had sp-540, now running on Epson surecolor that I really like but never say no to better ;-)
If you only plan on printing something with white or metallic maybe once or twice a year, then your wasting your money, your litterly flushing it down the toilet.
As far as Rick's complaints, I can't discount his experience. If we're talking 20+ years, part of his experience is with the old Falcon Outdoors, etc.
We use white to flush out the white lines on our seriously..have no idea why why we got the silver and white...It would have to be more than once or twice a year to make it worth it. Every time you run a cleaning (which is done frequently) you will be using the specialty ink. Even if you don't have white/metallic jobs, you'll need to run prints regularly using this ink to keep the nozzles healthy and move it through the ink lines because the pigments tend to settle out. You'll find yourself spending lots of money on ink that was never used for jobs. Not to mention that these specialty inks take up channels that could otherwise be used for CMYK--you will not print as fast as you would without them.
If you're just doing vinyl and banners and don't anticipate a substantial need for specialty inks, just get a CMYK or dual-CMYK machine. For 54" the VJ-1324X is a good printer. For 64", you're looking at the VJ-1624X or the VJ-1638X (two print heads, much faster prints).
As far as Rick's complaints, I can't discount his experience. If we're talking 20+ years, part of his experience is with the old Falcon Outdoors, etc. Rick, does this extend to the latest iterations? The modern ValueJets use different heads, inks, and are designed completely differently than their predecessors. I've worked on dozens of Mutoh's, old and new. I have never ran into any case where I needed to replace the maintenance station every 3 months. Are there any current Mutoh owners here that have had this experience? Mutoh recommends replacing them once a year, but the average person I encounter is replacing theirs between 1.5-2.5 years, depending upon how well they keep up on maintenance (cleaning the cap/around head/wiper, etc.).
Need feedback of Mutoh ValueJet 1628X or your mutoh experience in general! Thanks