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My introduction


New Member

My name is Mike, I'm 31 years old, have a beautiful younger wife and an almost 3 year old son.

I run an independant distribution business with my Father, selling Window Films for the Automotive, Commercial, and Residential industries.... selling to resellers, installers, and do-it-yourselfers.

We started as an auto window tint service, but quickly moved into distribution and online sales.

Current economic states and personal events have lead us to start working more with vinyl and the service industry again in order to give ourselves a raise in pay and spread out our income from different sources.

This business started as a hobby and became a full time job, then 2 full time jobs, and now 2 full time jobs with a couple part timers.

I'm pretty much new to the sign industry. We've had a couple paying jobs and several "practice" jobs, but really haven't been advertising anything yet as far as sign or vinyl work goes.

My marketing experience is more geared towards online marketing using "Guerilla" methods (low cost or no-cost white hat methods) and SEO (Search engine optimization). I'm well versed in hand-coding HTML and XHTML with CSS and have achieved several #1 spots for targeted keywords on the Google SERPS for several websites and pages. As well as gaining high rankings on Yahoo and lesser known engines.

I've also dabbled in Direct Marketing and seem to have an interest sales pitch and lettering writting, though I doubt most of the work I do even when it works.

I think I'm fortunate to be where I am with what I do, considering I had no money to really start with... an idea, a 25 cent ebay listing, and some cardboard templates, lots of elbo grease. Just kept reinvesting and growing the business into what it is today, 10 years or so after the first item was sold.

I dabble in JS, PHP, and MySQL.... but not enough to build my own programs so I rely on open source and free distributed scripts that I can alter to my own needs.

I do my graphic work mostly in Photoshop 7 and InkScape. Have 2 plotters, a graphtec fc5100-100 and a VE Q100. Do my cutting through VE LXI apprentice and another custom program.....

I need a solvent printer (eco solvent?)

Hmmm. I enjoy nature, water, my family, my church, and being self employed.

Anything else you want to know, just ask.... otherwise I hope to be a constructive member of the forum both learning from you guys (and ladies) and sharing what I can that may be of value to you.


New Member
Great intro! Welcome from Nova Scotia!

As far as needing a printer... there are some great merchant members her that can help with your printing needs.


New Member
Thanks for the welcome...

I wanted to mention also, that this Forum has a different feel to it that most forums. I've posted some posts prior to this thread, and was pleasantly surprised with the responses.

Even with a topic which appears to be a no-no out in the general public forums. You guys didn't freak out on me and tear me a new a-hole, instead kind remarks were made that I shouldn't talk about it out in the public.....

And you guys are HELPFUL. Even with a question that I can see has been asked 1,000 times in the last month, I didn't get flamed about how stupid I am and didn't get shoved to the search box.

Any critizism was constructive and sincere, meant to aim me in the right direction.

More forums need to be like this. There's only one other forum I go to because most forums are just horrendous places to be at.

So, way to go forum! lol


New Member
lol... i thought i was on-point with 'asskickin' since I went to uw-madison with a guy that was obsessed with everyone calling his hometown by that name.


New Member
Was he a football player?

Thats what the local sports players call it.

For the rest of us it's asslickin. Well, for me anyway.

It's a nice little town though.