I've watched this forum for quite a while and usually when there's a post about clogged heads or ink starvation yada yada yada. There's usually a "we've switched to ....." you name it brand of ink in the post somewhere. OEM ink is not only manufactured specifically for your machine, it also has a better quality pigment (finer particles) and closely monitored formulation. There's a reason it's more expensive, would you spend $1,000 to $2,000 for the best paint gun in the world (ok, they're not that expensive but stay with me here) and then run the cheapest Wal-Mart latex you could find through it? Maybe that's not the best comparison but you get the idea. Heads for your machine are over $1,000 plus installation if you don't install them yourself, how much Nazdar ink are you going to have to run through that machine to "save" enough to pay for one of those (not to mention the down time and frustration of diagnosing the "cause" of your problem). We've had a JV3 since '03 and I can honestly say we've NEVER had a clogged head, ink starvation.... ANY down time to anything that couldn't be traced back to operator error, head strikes, etc.... one time we had some ink that had been expired for 3 months and the operator didn't want to admit they hadn't rotated like they were supposed to and fortunately the damper caught it before it got to the head.
I'm rambling.... risk it if you want to.... save a few cents a foot on your print or pay later

. Only you can decide. But do a search on ink problems and see what you find out.... make an educated decision and then you have nobody to blame...