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Need a brush case!

amy s.

New Member
I need a case for sign brush storage that will hold oiled brushes securely without disturbing their shape. Any suggestions? o_O
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Johnny Best

Active Member
I use a empty candy cardboard box with aluminum foil on the bottom and soak the brushes in oil and it is cheaper than a tackle box.
Had this box for 30 years on the shelf. Just don't let it get wet.


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Active Member
I also have use tranny oil for quite a while, with no problems. Never like Lard oil and once Sapphire brush oil disappeared I switched to trans fluid.

Johnny Best

Active Member
Never liked lard oil either, it smells and roaches seem attracted to eating the hairs on your brushes. Still have a some transmission oil left, but it is from the 60s and I am sure there are more additives now in the newer oil, so do not know if it would be good to use for brushes.

studio 440

New Member
I meant wall dog brush oil that's what i use i forgot the brand name much better than the old lard oil . been awhile since i've broke out the brushes


New Member
My late Uncle used to use a TV Repairman's case that held all the tubes. Back when they made house calls