3Dsigns said:
Hi all, This is a sign I just completed. I need a camera for taking good quality photos of my sign work and my phone camera just isn't cutting it. I'm looking for a decent camera, with optical zoom, maybe an "SLR" in the $200-$300 range. What would you recommend? Thanks!
What kinds of sign photos will you be taking? That will dictate a lot in the cost area.
$200-$300 won't get you above smart phone image quality, other than gaining an optical zoom lens. The fake "digital" zoom in smart phones is absolutely lousy. There are various one-piece "point and shoot" cameras that can do a decent job. The $200-$300 price range might get you a decent used DSLR camera body, but then you have to add considerably more for good lenses to go with it.
If you're going to be taking photos of lighted signs at twilight or night you'll need a good tripod in your camera setup in order to take longer exposure shots. You can't hand-hold those kinds of shots and get good, sharp results. Some time exposure effects, like all the long streaks from car tail lights in various post card city-scape shots, require more serious DSLR gear, a great quality tripod and neutral density filters. That gets into some serious money. The upshot: taking those kind of photos is fairly easy thanks to new things like F-stop calculator apps for Android and iOS. It takes away the guess work when using a 6-stop or 10-stop ND filter.
Knowing how to use manual controls is important regardless of the type of camera used. Some smart phones have good manual controls. My Samsung Note 5 is starting to show its age, but its built in camera is decent and has a great deal of manual control settings.
I kind of wish I could still do film photography (without it being a PITA getting negatives developed and prints). It's a lot easier photographing a LED-based variable message center sign with a film camera. No worries about moiré since film has no pixel grid. It's a chore getting decent shots of LED signs using digital cameras.