we had this error before 18 months ago and we took back off and it kinda went away. Well it is back. People said you need to replace your CR cable. my boss got one ordered from china and as we where taking it apart.
we realized there were 3 cables that we believe are CR cables. we did not know there where 3 of them. so we replaced the one we ordered with a random one. as soon as we turned it on we got a e704err cr2 current error.
are questions are as follows:
1) are we on the right track with replacing the CR cable?
2) do all 3 need replaced replacing just one will not work?
3) if replacing one will work how do we know which one is bad?
4) what could we have done to get the e074err cr2 current error? what did we do wrong?
we are out of our depths here so any help or advice would be appreciated. thank you for your time.