Checking them, thank you! Edit, update: Their support is really bad, been trying to connect with them, nothing yet.I would use sinalite
Do you have a website I can look up on the pricing or how much are you thinking on charging for this job?Hey I have digital presses can do this job easily
You may encounter a problem with this order. We can handle these, but only up to 13 pts. If you go to the BIg houses, they have minimums per order. Zooprinting for one can print up to 16 C/2/S, with a mnimum of 250 per file. You may send a requst for a quote. Otherwise, find a local digital printer that can knock this out in a day.I am looking to print 1,260 double-sided 4x6 horizontal cards on 14pt cardstock with gloss printing on both sides, consisting of 60 different files, with at least 20 copies per file.
Would anyone be able to help me out with this? Thanks