Honestly you're better off without them.
Just a few minutes ago, I got back an order of cards that should have been pretty straightforward - Spot UV on a soft touch finish. Well over 1/3 of the order is unacceptable - smeared, drizzling varnish in unwanted areas, crooked/drizzled lines up and down lines of text. This is the fifth order of cards in as many orders which we've had to send back. They very clearly have no QA person and whomever is running their cards is not paying any attention or simply doesn't care.
Edit to note: I had a look back at our records - it's not the fifth order in as many orders, but it's damned close. We've run spot uv, foil, even just basic printing on a specialty stock. As a result, we've been more disappointed than we've pleased recently. I wish I could say different.