OK I hate for my first post to be a question but it is what it is
However I do want to say
to everyone who contributes to this forum as I have been reading for a month now and gained a lot of insight.
I purchased a 46 inch faclon outdoor used and got it up and running, not pleased with the nozzle checks but they are improving with cleanings and test prints etc.... I have tried printing some vector art off just a sample or two inside flexi, they dont look that great but maybe i am expecting to much from this type printer.
I am using Flexi 7.5 at this time but hope to swing a deal with a shop here locally for 8.1 I know thats not the latest but will be a step up for me. Anyway I am attempting to print on PrismJet 203 Vinyl. I was sent a profile for oracal 3651 cmyk 720x720 first question is would this be a suitable profile to use ? Would I be better off with a cmykLcLm profile since I have 6 colors ?? confused
If not would someone please point me in the right direction or send me a profile that might be close to where I need to start?
Any help or comments would be greatly appreciated.

I purchased a 46 inch faclon outdoor used and got it up and running, not pleased with the nozzle checks but they are improving with cleanings and test prints etc.... I have tried printing some vector art off just a sample or two inside flexi, they dont look that great but maybe i am expecting to much from this type printer.
I am using Flexi 7.5 at this time but hope to swing a deal with a shop here locally for 8.1 I know thats not the latest but will be a step up for me. Anyway I am attempting to print on PrismJet 203 Vinyl. I was sent a profile for oracal 3651 cmyk 720x720 first question is would this be a suitable profile to use ? Would I be better off with a cmykLcLm profile since I have 6 colors ?? confused
Any help or comments would be greatly appreciated.