Texas and Equippaint, thanks for the feedback and information guys, I really appreciate it. I don't know how much my employer knows, but as you can tell I'm going into this blind. That's why I'm asking some maybe silly questions, always learning. If this was my business though, I would be against this purchase. I've done that many time when I did own my business.
Equippaint, you're pretty much dead-on with what I'd be doing with it. A lot of the same things with tweaks here and there, our newest display style is about 5 foot by 3 with a vinyl graphic on the face. Everything else is around 16" or 32" by 12" (Approx sizes). It also seems like most of my time is going to be spent between running that and running the CNC.
Geno, what's the matter buddy? I get what you're saying, but you come off acting like this is some secret club and new members are not invited. I know it's difficult, there's going to be issues. When I was running a business I wouldn't dream of this purchase but my employer is dead set on this so I get to ask the silly questions. If you were coming to me asking about something you want to add to your business I wouldn't get hostile about it. I'd inform you that it wouldn't be a good idea but I'd still help you out if you wanted it, again, with my previous business I did that many times with other shops. All I get from you is that my employer and myself and idiots and fools and have no business even think about expanding and bringing this in-house. I get it, you can quit beating your dead horse now.