Head Fuse from Radio shack
Please realize I have only been repairing my own LFP (large format printer) for less than 6 months.Mine is a first generation LFP Mutoh Falcon Outdoor Jr so the newer printers have newer technology that I haven’t begun to delve into. My first inclinationis that even though the head looks the same they may be different internally and preventing the printer from communicating to the heads. Test the fuses first as this would be the fastest way to diagnose. Or if the old heads were working at all, you could put them back in to see if you can restore it to the print quality you had before the head exchange. If you put old ones back in, and are still getting nothing it is time to test the fuses if you haven’t done this yet. Once you get to the head fuse with machine unplugged use a meter to test continuity if they are indeed blown then it was more than likely due to not having the printer unplugged while you were exchanging the head. (Don’t ask me how I know this) Once you find the fuse (one for the black and one for the color) then verify it is bad with meter and then follow this signs101 link.
Or see how I did it by looking at the enclosed PDF file. I hope this helps. Do youhave the service manual. I might be able to get you one if it is needed.