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Need urgent help.


New Member
My versacamm vs 300i lost power due to a storm in the middle of a print. Came back on for about 30 seconds and was starting to do it's normal startup routine. Power now out indefinitely and I want to manually park the head on the cap. It looks like it might be close to the correct position but can't be sure. Can't find info on this anywhere. I'm scouring the manual as I write this. Anyone have any info or a link to procedure?

Jim Hancock

Old School Technician
Just lock the printhead carriage into place over the capping station. If you are having trouble locking it, as it can be tricky, just push the head carriage all the way to the right. this will raise the capping station mechanically and you should be good. A suggestion - as we don't know how long the power will be out, you may want to soak the head until the power is back. Clip the lines from the cap to the pump, fill the cap brimming full of cleaning solution, move the head all the way to the right and unplug the printer.


New Member
I got a generator last night and was able to turn on do a test print. No clogged nozzles. I did a normal clean then powered off. Power still out. I've probably missed only one auto clean so far. If we don't get power by this evening, I'll do as you suggested. However, can't find any info on unlocking the head? Nothing in the manual.I'll do some more searching now.

Jim Hancock

Old School Technician
It's a mechanical lock. Using both hands (more movement control) push the carriage SLOWLY into the home position. You will hear two faint clicks, stop immediately, and then put your hand on the right side of the carriage and try to push it to the left. If you are successful, it will not move. It may take a few tries, as it's tricky to stop exactly when you hear the clicks.


New Member
It's a mechanical lock. Using both hands (more movement control) push the carriage SLOWLY into the home position. You will hear two faint clicks, stop immediately, and then put your hand on the right side of the carriage and try to push it to the left. If you are successful, it will not move. It may take a few tries, as it's tricky to stop exactly when you hear the clicks.
Thanks so much for your help!