They kept hounding me after the trial asking for feedback / why I didn't want to buy it...
I told them I can see the appeal for laser / cnc users, but I planned on using it for vinyl.... To save $2000 in vinyl would have taken me decades.... And for CNC stuff (non printed) deepest is free and does a better job.
We don't do print and cut on substrates often enough to have spent 2k on it ... I think their issue was what they were charging, I doubt most shops would pay 2k for it.
It wasn't a polished onyx product either.... You could tell it was an app that just saved nested layouts, and aside from the name it had nothing to do with onyx... It wasn't integrated into onyx really, was a seperate program....
It did work good though. Maybe give it to advantage users, or charge a few hundred bucks for an upgrade.... But as soon as I heard the 2k price It killed all thoughts of me using it. I can see myself using it, and it making onyx better if it was built into onyx... And didn't cost 2k.