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New here, looks like a good find so far


New Member
I am new to this site and to Vinyl cutting as well (6 months) I have had pretty solid success in my opinion considering ive never done anything but Photoshop prior to purchasing my cutter. I'm pretty happy about finding this forum as I've already learned a bit after browsing a bit. Looking forward to learning as much as possible, I'm not afraid of criticism either so set me straight if need be haha.I have plans of building a small side business out of this as I have already had a decent amount of projects come out of word of mouth alone. Im taking it slow as im finding little quirks every so often that I would hate to get stuck on and loose any kind of real business because of a lack of knowledge.

So here is what im currently working with

Windows 7
30" Vinyl Express RII series Cutter (mixed reviews so far) Likely to upgrade soon
VE Lxi apprentice software
Adobe Illustrator Cx5
CorelDraw4 (new for me)
Also just picked up SignTools4 30 day trial

I really only have one issue right now that has me quite stumped. I believe it has to do with strokes and or a layer issue. My files when viewed in Adobe as well as the VE lxi programs, zoomed in and showing the cut path are smooth and as I would like the to be. However when I make the cut im getting a lot of jagged cuts. Im not familiar with the whole strokes area of things and outlining that Ive been reading about in a recent post. I am posting a picture of my image and the cuts it makes in hopes to resolve this so I can move forward with this project. Thanks in advance for any direction, criticism and help with this issue.

The decal size when cut is roughly 6"x8"


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New Member
Looks like you need to go to wireframe mode in Corel then node-edit.
You can reduce nodes manually by double clicking on them or by using the slider bar thingy (but I forget how)


New Member
If something was autotraced, put it on wireframe and look for stray bits and nodes. Also, whenever I copy and paste from Corel x6 to FlexiSIGN 10, I often have mixed results that vary from ideal to jagged. First, make sure you "convert to curves", otherwise your text can be altered during import. I also enlarge my vector graphic, import into Flexi, and then reduce down to desired size. If I forget to do this, I often see jagged cuts. Its not something that happens always, but I consider it an annoyance. I try not to autotrace because it traces the pixels of the image, and thats what creates those "step-like" node formations rather than smooth, manual nodes.


New Member
It is so much faster to just get out the pen tool and do it by hand than to do an auto trace unless the artwork is perfect and even then you will still have to edit it. If you don't have a wacom tablet, get one. I don't use a mouse any more for anything. I use the tablet for everything.