Our company is fresh in the business of wide format printing. Our main source of income is commercial offset printing and have recently purchased an Epson GS6000 to move forward into the market of wide format printing. From what I have read we are going to start with banners, banner displays,wall graphics. posters and magnetic signs. These seem to be what our current customers are most looking for and will help us get a leg out into other markets. I have a few different projects I am working on and would like some feedback. I am trying to get pricing down for wide formatting and am not sure how best to do it. I want to make sure that I am getting all my costs covered and not leave any money on the table. I also don't want to be so low that I am killing the market in our area. Does anyone have any suggestions? We are currently using a double sided tape we ordered from our current vendor (which may change) and it takes 2 people and a lot of time to do. We normally will only have one person working on this part, since this is not the main part of our business. Does anyone have any suggestions to make this a 1 person application? I have a huge list of things I am working on, but these seem to be two of the major problems I am currently coming across and need to get them taken care of so I can move forward to more. Thanks in advance, any advice will help!