Redwave Signs
New Member
I would like some advice on my logo. I have never had a set logo, but I would like to start the new year off right. I started this as a side business 1.5 years ago and I would eventually like to do this full-time. I am an electrician and I would like to combine my two interests and make a successful business. Most of my work is window advertising, car graphics, banners, various types of signs, business cards. I have a good amount of regular customers. No large organizations, just a lot of mom and pop businesses. I would like to present a professional image. Something clean and easy to reproduce on shirts, business cards etc. I want it clean and to the point. I know there are hundreds of "sign designs" but that is the name I started with and don't really want to change it (and my son loves saying it, he is 4). I like the color combination of red, white, black and silver. Any ideas??? I threw together a few ideas already ... and have a favorite, but want to see what other people think.