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New Roland VG2 - VG3 - SG2 - SG3 USERS -buyer beware, you cannot fix your own machine.


New Member
Thanks to signs101, we have found that the Roland VG2 - VG3 - SG2 - SG3 printers do not have access to service mode any longer with the typical on-menu keypad combination, it's ONLY accessible with the Peck2 tool via a certified Roland credentialed login and a laptop plugged in. This means that you cannot DIY fix your own machine that you paid large amounts of money for, ever again. Only those with the specific software, login credentials (to prove you're Roland trained), and the laptop linking it all together can repair your machine. Based on the post here (linked), this was found to be an issue back in 2019 when Roland had users upgrade from TR to TR2 inks and never let anyone know they were forever being locked out of service mode and locking themselves into a dealer based pay to play repair service forever.

I feel it's our right as sign shop owners to stand up and not purchase Roland printers based on this unfair business practice. Our order placed for our new Roland Vg3 is in the process of being cancelled and we're moving to another printer manufacturer no matter what.

The new Rolands are deeply discounted and have an extra warranty, and we're seeing why; customers like us, are jumping ship to other brands.

I just want to let new users know that a machine is "generally" very problem free for easily 2 years, barring a manufacturer defect, all of our machines have been fine up to this point. The issues arise after this warranty period is up, the 3, 4, 5, 6 year mark. No longer can any service level adjustments can be done by the user itself, which used to be very possible with some VERY basic instruction. Head crash and want to adjust the head? I'm sure that'll be $500+ after paying a tech travel time. Basic adjustments? $500. Print head? I don't even want to know. Thousands, easily! Printers are inherently pretty simple to work on, but Roland thinks we're obviously too stupid. Their excuse is "they want to maintain print quality and reliability for our users" - RIIIIIIIIIIIGHT. We know the deal Roland, it's all about money and user control plus planned obsolesce. Roland can now say in 4, 5 years (exactly like the TR to TR2 ink forced firmware upgrade by Roland situation) that your printer is no longer relevant and Roland "isn't offering repairs any longer on this model". Guess what, your investment is now worth nothing because your printer is broken with no way to fix it and you're forced into what - oh, BUYING ANOTHER PRINTER! It's amazing how that works! We aren't falling for it, this is an old model that doesn't work for consumers that truly care about their business.

After years of working with Roland and using one dealer for our machines, it was news to us that new dealers existed in our area. This information would have been really helpful, as we had been using dealers that were 4 hours away, so we made it over to Rolands website to find a dealer, most sites have dealer finder tools with a list of dealers, should be simple, right? Wrong. Roland also doesn't even want you to know who your roland dealer is without them telling you is OK for you to know. Check out their "dealer finder tool" shown here, which is a form that we as users fill out, that then goes to a Roland employee who then decides whether you should or shouldn't know who your dealer is based on who you are. Not only does roland not trust you to fix your own machine, finding someone to fix your own machine is now out of your businesses control.

We wanted to skip the dealer finder form, so we live chatted Roland on their site, asked for a dealer nicely, than asked for another dealer, simple, right? Wrong. Roland over live chat was extremely aggressive with us, asking why "we need to know so many dealers" (we asked for 2 just to be safe to get a quote for the Vg3). She replied with "why would you even need more than 1 dealer, every dealer is going to have the same price anyways". Very unprofessional, and also very very uninformed. We received 2 very different quotes, but couldn't get three quotes, it seemed the exchange was too heated for Roland to handle giving us the information of a third dealer, since of course, that's not our right any longer. Hopefully this exchange is saved in our browser, we would love to post it.

After this exchange, the person on live chat gave us the explanation why this is happening; they want managers inside Roland headquarters to have "credit for the sales referral and also the tracking abilities to know internally where the referral came from (they want to basically track when a referral comes from the roland website to one of their dealers)". So not only does roland not want you to fix your machine because you're uninformed and not smart enough (all in the name of print quality!), they want to tell you WHO can fix your machine (all in the name of print quality!), all so someone inside roland can get credit on a company-wide excel spreadsheet, get a bonus, and then make Roland look like they are doing their part with dealers (all while failing their users, but at least we have good print quality!). The funny part is, we could have been supporting these local dealers for 5, 10, 15 years if we even knew they existed or had a list somewhere to show us instead of it being essentially behind a pay to play wall of filling a form out or taking the time to live chat an aggressive roland rep.

We love roland, we've used rolands forever, but unfortunately, our relationship has now come to an end based on these findings. We aren't a huge fan of other brands, but other brands also don't treat customers like this.

We wish everyone the best on their new printer purchase, but for us, Roland will be fading off into the sunset.

Edit: After thinking about this a little bit more and discussing with others, it's obvious that Roland has put these printers into a subscription model without even telling you you're subscribed. Most customers (like the comment below) can easily be talked into a service contract at the end of year #3 then users will feel they have to subscribe to these service contracts "all in the name of print quality", exactly like scott says in the 2019 post (how ironic how that sales pitch is already starting back then under the disguise of benefitting users).

Little did they know that the cheap, on sale, extra year warranty sales pitch that got them into spending $10k+ 3 years prior on a printer, now has a new monthly payment for a service contract, because, that's right, we forgot to tell you, we locked regular users out of service mode and no one can fix this but techs here at Roland, at whatever cost, by whatever dealer we say is OK at the time we say we'll arrive. Did we mention that this printer is obsolete in 1 year? You'll want to maybe upgrade, we'll be glad to help you with that. If this is how you want to run your business, you do you.
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victor bogdanov

Active Member
Do any of the other brands new printers allow user serviceability?

My local GSG offers service plan for rolands, surprisingly cheap. Couple of hours of print time per month covers the service plan and I know my printer is always covered.


New Member
Yes, Mimaki allows user repairs and even offers parts! Right to repair is a huge deal and Roland is taking away our rights and we shouldn't allow it. With this new service mode lockout, we have been moved from owning a printer to essentially leasing a printer from Roland as we would always be under their control to even have the right for THEM to repair it for you after the warranty expires. Not only is the loss of control terrible, but can you imagine from a waste perspective how much roland will be encouraging their machines to be thrown into landfills in a few years? It's time we stand up, now.

Check out some info on right to repair:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_to_repair#:~:text=The goals of the right,and reduction in electronic waste.
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victor bogdanov

Active Member
Yes, Mimaki allows user repairs and even offers parts! Right to repair is a huge deal and Roland is taking away our rights and we shouldn't allow it. With this new service mode lockout, we have been moved from owning a printer to essentially leasing a printer from Roland as we would always be under their control for even the right to fix a printer in a few years. Not only is the lack of control terrible, but can you imagine from a waste perspective how much roland will be encouraging their machines to be thrown into landfills in a few years? It's time we stand up, now.

Check out some info on right to repair:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_to_repair#:~:text=The goals of the right,and reduction in electronic waste.
There are also many businesses that want to be worry free on a service contract and focus on printing, not fixing printers. My Rolands and Colorado 1650 are all under a service plan and I have 0 worry about the printers breaking down. Each printer pays for its contract in a couple of hours of printing each month. Same day fixes in my experience so far


New Member
And that's your right - be sure to pay service contracts on your car too, brake pads cost $60 and take about 30 minutes for me to change, but it sounds like you enjoy paying $500 to have them changed by a mechanic, all you need to do is make a little more money to pay for that service, right? Where does that make more money to pay for more and more services end? Mechanics see dollar signs when you walk in. I can make food at home for $5, but someone can make the same food for me at a restaurant for $25 - it's just as easy to go buy it at a restaurant, right? All I need to do is make more money to pay for it, right? What if society took away your right to eat at home? Same concept in an extreme way.
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victor bogdanov

Active Member
And that's your right - be sure to pay service contracts on your car too, brake pads cost $60 and take about 30 minutes for me to change, but it sounds like you enjoy paying $500 to have them changed by a mechanic, all you need to do is make a little more money to pay for that service, right? Where does that make more money to pay for more and more services end? Mechanics see dollar signs when you walk in. I can make food at home for $5, but someone can make the same food for me at a restaurant for $25 - it's just as easy to go buy it at a restaurant, right? All I need to do is make more money to pay for it, right? What if society took away your right to eat at home? Same concept in an extreme way.
I change cars before the brake pads wear out. seriously never changed brake pads. Any other car problems are taken care of by original warranty :p


New Member
thanks for making me aware of this as I was close to pulling the trigger on a Roland. Guess I’m back to Mimaki or HP.


New Member
As a first time Roland DGA printer owner, I have to say my experience has taught me a valuable lesson. I'll never own another Roland printer again.
My dealer offers the worst support/help I've ever experienced. Other dealers in my area don't want to service my printer with any priority, since I didn't purchase the printer from them....
Roland DGA sales manager tells me, any Roland service dealer will help me as my printer is still under warranty, as Roland pays the dealers for service. My warranty expires in June, and currently I've been waiting for weeks for the tech
to show up. WEEKS. Perhaps I'm just an outlier case, but the damage is done.


New Member
thanks for making me aware of this as I was close to pulling the trigger on a Roland. Guess I’m back to Mimaki or HP.
When you look at it, neither Mimaki, nor HP lets the user service their products. The service modes are protected in both of them and/or you need software, that isn't officially available to users.


Customer: What happens to my SC,SP,VP,VS printers? my printer need service.
Roland: Oh! those are considered older printers that we don't support anymore...throw them to the ocean but we can sell you new ones hehehe$$$$
Roland: Don't forget to upgrade your firmware to TRUVis2 ink ...beautiful vivid ink (those fools didn't know once firmware is upgraded, they can't do anything and they will have to wait for our hero service technician to save them and now let add up all the total cost $$$
Customer: You guys sometime take days to arrive and do not have the parts to fix it and we have to wait longer....we are running at lost and losing customers, can we do something to fix it ourself while waiting for your heros to return since it's our printer.
Roland: Physically it's your printer but we put a lock on it so you need us and we need to charge you for everything, Customer = Consumable


New Member
When you look at it, neither Mimaki, nor HP lets the user service their products. The service modes are protected in both of them and/or you need software, that isn't officially available to users.

Roland protected their printers for years under a key combination. Mimaki does the same. It’s well known what the key combination was on Roland’s and mimakis. I can go on any website and buy mimaki OEM parts. The difference now? Roland has not told salesman or dealers from what I can tell that their service mode is now not just a key combination, it’s a specific locked down dealer only software package to get into service mode. While they have the “right” to do this, this is something that Roland has never done. So legacy customers who may have worked on their machines in the past think oh I’ll just fix it myself when the warranty is up with a key combination that’s worked for 20 years! Wrong. It’s not possible. It’s under lock and key now under a connected software package to the printer to access service mode.

Roland is assuming you’re going to stick by them. Roland built a brand for over 20 years of allowing customers to access this Service menu and did nothing about it along the way. When we wanted to buy this machine, we assumed the same, we would fix it after the warranty period. No one told us that’s not possible. What we can see their doing is they probably lost some market share, are scrambling and now will push service contracts after the 3rd year. Your “cheap, got it on sale!” new vg2, vg3, sg2, sg3 printer just basically became the same price as a mimaki. You’re 3 year roland warranty is up and now you’re forever connected to your local dealer(s) which you may love or hate. At the end of the ownership, you’re paying them an unknown about of money over 5+ years for repairs you could probably do mostly yourself with basic instruction.

The lack of communication and forcing the firmware upgrade during an ink changeover which secretly to locks users out is 1000% shady. It’s bad business. Customers could have bought that printer under the premise that they could only afford it if they fixed it themselves. Their business and livelihood could be resting on that idea. Roland took the right under the premise of what looks to be pure greed to secretly lock all of them out. Even worse, there is a post above from 2019 where Scott from Roland is saying that it’s their right to not tell people about this service mode lockout since users “never should have been in that menu to begin with”. Covering tracks / back tracking is ALWAYS good for business, all in the name of print quality, right?

It’s Roland calling us incompetent after they CLEARLY called us competent for allowing us to do this for the previous 20 years. Build a brand and destroy it for money as Scott at Roland says, “all in the name of print quality”. As in, pay us money for a service contract (you didn’t know you were going to have to buy) all in the name of print quality. So easy to see through. It happens to SO MANY corporations who are greedy and want more more more and we just aren’t going to participate.

Let’s be clear, will you have to buy a service contract from Roland? No, you won’t. Can you pay a tech for each visit, yes you can. Would a service contract “save you money”? In the eyes of Roland, of course this will be the argument. It’s an easy way to subscribe all users to a monthly fee for “piece of mind.” Your printer may run fine for a long time, but it also could be a giant lemon. Take the risk, but oh yea, since you didn’t have the right to know, you can’t fix it yourself.
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New Member
CarNate, nice post, I have 3 Rolands, VP's. Pretty easy to keep running.
I don't like their new model at all. I was wondering why I couldn't find a dealer online?
That feature has been removed. The times they are a changin'.

What printer do you recommend? You do a lot of stickers.


Premium Subscriber
well over a year ago, i posted a "why can't we jailbreak our rolands?" thread

my rolands are old enough that this issue doesn't effect me (unless you count y blood pressure)


New Member
CarNate, nice post, I have 3 Rolands, VP's. Pretty easy to keep running.
I don't like their new model at all. I was wondering why I couldn't find a dealer online?
That feature has been removed. The times they are a changin'.

What printer do you recommend? You do a lot of stickers.

Not the vg3! We try to support all brands and new technologies and even the latest policy changes. We don’t support secret tactics by corporations to try to squeeze money out of consumers. Roland’s Dealer finder tool is gone, but if you message them for a dealer, they get angry about it. You can see where I’m going with this. It’s like their arrogance of you being a legacy customer took over and they think they don’t have to work or want to be bothered too much for our business. In their eyes, we are already going to buy a Roland no matter what, right? So why tell the customer anything that we don't "deserve" to know. They forgot about the fact that for the previous 20 years, we didn't deserve to know about service mode, but somehow we knew, and it was fine, for 20 years, and now, we suddenly don't deserve to know that they changed that critical part for the reason why many to buy a roland. We don't support having your freedoms taken away.
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New Member
In case you missed it above, here's a link to original thread about locking users out from 2019, lets add that nothing changed from 2019, things got worse for customers, and the post I made back then mentioning a john deere mower and their lack of right to repair (exactly like roland does now), was responded to by a long-time roland employee saying he bought a cub cadet instead of a john deere, implying he bought a cub cadet because he could actually fix it himself. Very very telling. Screen shot attached below. Post #14 in this thread: https://www.signs101.com/threads/ro...-service-mode-end-user-access-deleted.155455/


  • cubcadet.png
    20.5 KB · Views: 178
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New Member
Another telling quote from scott at roland from the 2019 post above, with a really mind blowing excuse:

Scott at Roland - "First, Roland has never condoned access to our service mode or Peck utility. The fact that we “never stopped it” was merely because we couldn’t stop it."

Roland Couldn't stop it. That's the excuse. Let's name a few heavy hitters that they have made since 2001: Soljet Pro - couldn't stop it - Soljet SC-540 - couldn't stop it - Soljet SC-545 - couldn't stop it - Soljet XC-540 - couldn't stop it - Soljet XR640 - couldn't stop it. All versacamm models - couldn't stop it. All XJ models, couldn't stop it. 20 years to solve a problem, but in the process, keep the same keypad entry order exactly the same! It was truly unstoppable!

You know what did stop it? Money. The need for them to make more money and forget their customers, it made them forget why they kept the same service mode keypad ordering the exact same for all of those years and all those models. They knew what they were doing, the serviceability built a brand, but making more money changes minds, hearts and souls all while forgetting about how Roland made it here in the first place, which is US, our sign shops, our hard work, our loyalty to their brand. And guess what, that doesn't have to be us any longer. Money first is how legendary companies have always lost their way.

Here's all the models they just couldn't stop from having the same exact keypad entry order to access service mode, but suddenly in 2019, technology advanced, but remember, Roland told no one you're now locked out of service mode if you do this update, once again, showing they don't care about us: https://www.rolanddg.com.au/company/timeline#2000
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Medina Signs

Old Member
This is a good thread so far - I think it's important for all to know. I like Rolands, but I may have to shop around as I like to have options. I usually don't fix major issues, but again I like to have options... Just repaired with the help of a friend, a 30 year old laser power supply that no-one else could or would, no replacements available - had to get American designed parts from China, but it was my only option.

I will not, if I have a choice, be held ransomed over a 20,000.00 or more purchase. I just hope that when the time comes I have options. That's why I'd like to see this thread survive.

The big guns around here should have some insight, and I'd like to hear what they have to say.


As I mentioned in the other thread, there is a workaround for a reasonable price.
The last time you mentioned to me is just enter service mode normally, what workaround for a reasonable price? Dm me the way bcos I like to fix my own printer