As a matter of fact Jill, Yes! I even changed one of my layouts after you pointed that out

I agree that on this sign it doesn't really add or help much. As much as I love using panels, I don't think this layout is working very well.
RJPJR's layout definitely reads better.
Okay, so I sat down and played with my thoughts about it. My style has a particular feel and others may not care for it, but I try to go for a feel that says "custom". I could easily come up with other layouts that are very corporate looking, casual or vintage. Just depends on how you want to market yourself.
Also, went back and added some awnings over the door and window to break up the mass of the building. Plus it will keep you drier when it's pouring outside. Also would like to add, this could be done affordably as a flat print on diebond, but if it were me, I would go for dimensional and I bet you would start selling the sh!t out of those kinds of signs.