I have a series of videos that I bought on ebay to take me through everything that comes with Adobe Creative Suite.
1. Type your WORD
2. Marquee around the word
3. Create Outlines
4. "Make" Compound Path
5. Create stroke and then choose to put the stroke on inside or outside.
6. Click on "Outline stroke"
If you skip the step of making a compound path the outside boarder does not automatically weld causing over cuts. The video didn't show all these steps but told me the basics that I was missing which was how to make a stroke an outline. These videos were worth the money invested without a doubt!
Before I got the videos I hated Adobe as I was soooo use to Corel and the way it worked with PC that I was convinced that I should just convert back to PC. I love my Mac but it is a big learning curve which takes dedication to set aside what you know about PC and Corel and open your mind to something bigger and better. Three months ago I made the decision to invest $6500 into a new plotter, 27" iMac with all the bells and whistles and Adobe CS4. At first I had buyers remorse about the software but not the Mac or plotter. Now my business is running about 30% faster and I am able to do things which before took a lot of steps. Since we all know time is money I think these things will pay for themselves in about 1 year and my next investment will be a CNC router with 3D capabilities.