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Need Help New/used S80600 error on start up


New Member

I just got purchased a used S80600 and I’m pretty sure it has never been used. It came with clean cartridges loaded in all of the colors. When I went to start it up it asks me to do choose the color setup (9 color / 10 color w/ white or 10 color w/ms) no matter what I choose after that it goes to an error that says “power cable error - plug in #2 power cable. Turn power off then on again”

Anyone ever had this happen?
Any ideas on what to do here?


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New Member
There are two power cables, one for the printer itself and one for the heater. Both of them need plugged in.


New Member
So, Talked to Epson today and this machine was supposed to be scrapped and sent back to epson. So they will not offer service on it and can help at all.

Has anyone ever heard of this before? Anyway to salvage this machine?


New Member
•CSIC control error
•The drive circuit damage in the Print Head was caused by the blown 42V fuse on the main board

Check Item:
Check the resistance between the terminals of “F12” on the main board

If the resistance of “F12”on the main board has more than “1Ω”:
The fuse on the main board has blown. Check whether the drive circuit in the print head is damaged.
[How to check]
Pull out the print head FFC from “CN400” on the main
board (do not disconnect the other end on the print head at
this point) and check the resistance between pin 15 and pin
19 on the terminal of FFC.
• 1M ohm or higher: Carry out the remedy 1.
• Less than 1M ohm: Carry out the remedy 1 and 2.

If the resistance is 1 ohm or less:
Not abnormal. Carry out the remedy 3.

1. Replace the main board.
2. Replace the print head.
3. Replace the ink cartridge holder.


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New Member
Just Wanted to follow up, it was the the power supply had a blown fuse.

A $200 part and a bit of labor costs and its up and printing.

If your in Colorado I highly suggest using Micro Computer Tech for repairs on your machine.
