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New Member
I live in Jamaica. I am an absolute beginner, but hopefully you will lend a hand. I would like to get into the signmaking business. At present I print t-shirts. I had a CraftRobo cc22o recently, but that broke. I recently got an EnduraCut24 (used). No instruction manual, nothing. I know...dumb to have bought it in the first place, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. Can anyone point me in the direction as to where I could possibly get an instruction manual.(I already tried S**n W***house...no luck).

Stealth Ryder

New Member
I live in Jamaica. I am an absolute beginner, but hopefully you will lend a hand. I would like to get into the signmaking business. At present I print t-shirts. I had a CraftRobo cc22o recently, but that broke. I recently got an EnduraCut24 (used). No instruction manual, nothing. I know...dumb to have bought it in the first place, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. Can anyone point me in the direction as to where I could possibly get an instruction manual.(I already tried S**n W***house...no luck).

Have you looked on their website, I found it in about 3 seconds just by typing Enduracut Manual in the search block:
