Robert Carter
New Member
Update, the panel says "Ready To Print" so we ran a nozzle check and the colors look ok, but the black has lines through it. I'm still working on the pics.
That is correct Sir, I found several cracks in the black line and I replaced the filter by the jug that holds the ink and the round filter by the sub tank, "are there any other filters?". here are some pics.Can you hear the pumps pumping? If so, purge any working color for 5-10 seconds. Listen for the pumps. They probably operate with short burst. How many "pumps" did you hear? Now purge your black. How many pumps? If your working color gets like 2 pumps and your black gets like 10 or so before throwing the pump error then that would mean you for sure either have clogged filters, air in the line before the subtank, or there is a cut in the line before the subtank.
Sorry for the bad pics. hope this helps. While taking the pics, I found a hose loose on top of the solenoid. I connected it and now an re-priming everything.Okay so picture 1 is the subtanks and picture 2 is the heads right? Its kind of hard for me to tell. That one air line going into the top of the subtanks is an air line right? Can you get me a picture of the other end of those air lines at the solenoids? You said that you have solved the problem with the air right? So all of those lines are pulling with negative pressure?
There should not be any more than two ink filters.
That test pic does look like air but considering how long the machine has been out of operation its hard to say. I know a good test but I'll need you to answer the above questions first.
Greg, the cyan hose broke today at the pump and I broke the nipple trying to put it back on, hopefully I can find another one. If all Nipples was that fragile, I would have been in jail a long time ago.So are you still getting the same results? You can always call me if you'd like 501-574-1513. It might make all of this a little easier.
I have one of those big *** snot suckers I use to suck the snot out of my nose, will that work? :Big LaughYes. Do you have a syringe that you can attach to the ink lines?
That's what I'm talking about. I was just foolin.It could work but a good syringe is a must have for troubleshooting.