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newbie question


New Member
Hi all, im new on here and i figured that after reading alot of useful information i must say i love this place.

so now here i were i need help...

ive had my vinyl and wrap business for about 2 years now... and the time has come for me to purchase my printer/cutter aswell as a laminator

now i have settled on the 54" Mutoh with the cutter that comes with... great deal and i like the fact that its not print/cut which i find is so not effecient.

the big question i have is what kind of laminator should i buy as a first... i dont have a very big budget and also was thinking about the big squeegee option

so i can maybe focus that extra money on other areas that i might need... or is a laminator a neccesity...

any help would be greatly appreciated because the time has come for me to expand but when your doing it for the first time boy do you have alot of questions loll

thanks in advance



New Member
Seal Laminator. The BS is good, but not a laminator....

BTW, I have Roland cut/print, 70% of stuff I cut is not laminated, so it is more efficient to not have to switch machines to cut....


New Member
Seal is the ticket but comes at a price. Royal Sovereign has a 54" cold laminator that's fairly reasonable. I'd say the laminator would be a good purchase. If you're doing a good deal of print work then you'll more than likely be laminating the majority of it, especially if you're doing wraps. I have a Mutoh printer and Royal Sovereign set-up and like the fact that I can knock a long laminating run out quickly between print jobs.....it'll pay for itself with speed and convenience.


New Member
thanks guys appreciate the feedback... if you all have any other tips or suggestions into helping me expand in a smart way please dont hesitate...