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"No More Walk-ins" - Good Idea, or Terrible Mistake?


New Member
I think our shop is at a potential turning point, and I'm really anxious about it. We're a small crew (4 and a part timer). We've been going for 30 years, and this train ain't stopping. We're just incredibly busy, all the time. There's never a lull anymore. And customers seem to be getting pushier and pushier. It's become quite uncomfortable.

Most of our work is for industrial or commercial businesses, and about 12% of our sales are walk-in, small fries. Those walk-ins account for a disproportionate 30% of our total order count. And they seem to be the more difficult and annoying orders.

I'd like to say to the next guy who walks in the door, "Do you represent a company? Because we only do work for businesses", but is this wise? Has anyone gone through with a change like this? Mistake? Relief?!

I'd like to add that we haven't sought work, or advertised in any way in over 25 years. If we suddenly had 30% extra time, we could potentially seek more of the big jobs that we like; The repeat work that equates to printing money. What do y'all think?


Very Active Signmaker
Do it. You will eliminate so many headaches when you focus on B2B. When you grow as a business, you can start choosing who you want to work with. Most of my work is for repeat clients that have been with me for years. It's great because we all know what to expect. I take on new clients, but only after seeing how that first phone call goes and what they're wanting...otherwise it's a referral to the franchise sign shop.


Active Member
home based here for 35 years I have heard from friends with "shops" how much time wasting walks thru the front door, because of idle chit chat or ther BS. One thing I know for sure whenit comes to stress in any job its usually other humans causing it. Other humans are pressing them and then they press on you! phone calls and emails are the best in a lot of situations. Shut those doors!


Active Member
home based here for 35 years I have heard from friends with "shops" how much time wasting walks thru the front door, because of idle chit chat or ther BS. One thing I know for sure whenit comes to stress in any job its usually other humans causing it. Other humans are pressing them and then they press on you! phone calls and emails are the best in a lot of situations. Shut those doors!


Trade Only Screen & Digital Sign Printing
Retail walk in work is hard. It’s definitely a source of new business, but you pay for it through small jobs, tire kickers, and people who just want to bend an ear.

Alternatively you can pay for advertising, set up a referral program, hire an outside sales rep, do a bunch of networking, go door to door, cold call, SEO/SEM etc etc to drive new business.

They are all expensive and hard. You just have to “pick your hard.”


New Member
We made it 1 year ago after 28 years. Best decision ever. Better revenues, no time waste at all, no interrupts, better life for every workers, 0 negative reviews, 0 arguings with customers. And most important... Important works are now always served in time and no interrupted with 50$ non-revenue works and thinking time and quality has been increased.
Do it. Really, send those old (and new) low-revenue customers to other shops and give best quality time and products to the good ones

Zendavor Signs

I agree that eliminating walk ins would not hurt our business, it just seems it would be offensive. Like how would customers pick up orders? We sell a lot of 4x8 construction signs. I don't want to have to deal with delivering every order. We have raised our minimum order and that seems to have taken care of it. My issue are salespeople that drop in.


Very Active Signmaker
I wonder what a sign person could do about informing he doesn't want sales people at his door.


Enjoying retirement in Central Florida
The best business decision I made was going from a public front to strictly internet-based and shipping my work all over the world.
It was a dark night, drinking all afternoon, made the decision, ripped the big sign right off the side of the building, cut it up with a circular saw, and put it in the burn pile......... Never looked back.
The second good decision was to stop drinking. (which I did).


New Member
The best business decision I made was going from a public front to strictly internet-based and shipping my work all over the world.
It was a dark night, drinking all afternoon, made the decision, ripped the big sign right off the side of the building, cut it up with a circular saw, and put it in the burn pile......... Never looked back.
The second good decision was to stop drinking. (which I did).

Hahahahah our decision was in a hot moment too. After arguing with one of those monocelular brains who call u thief for 50 cents. We closed 2 public shops. And damn... Only for Quality Of Life reached, it worths it lol

Pd: i think i drunk all alcohol i had to drink years ago too. Now maybe some beers with friends once a month (so i dont count the beers hahaha but not a problem anymore)... Good decision man


Enjoying retirement in Central Florida
To update the decision to go internet-based.....
I paid $365.00 to have a professional website made.
$375.00 in advance for a year of website hosting.
A few weeks later, my very first sign that I sold through the website was to the Recreational Center, US Naval Air Station, Atsugi, Japan for $1300.00.
So, my very sign paid for the transition and made me "global" in terms of sales potential. And it took off from there.

Atsugi 1.jpg
Atsugi 3.jpg
Atsugi 2.jpg


Member for quite some time.
I've thought about "business only" work but there are a handful of times where some of these walkins are helpful especially during the winter months. It would be great so separate this section of the business Commercial/Personal so one doesn't bother the other. Tending to Personal work is definitely a different "animal".

Bobby H

Arial Sucks.
Our shop accepts walk-in customers, but only if they're from a business.

People who want things like graphics for their personal vehicle or a sign for their man cave typically just aren't realistic at all. They want to bleed away lots of time talking and lots of time on design revisions, but they don't want to pay anything for it. They see zero value at all in that time and effort. They think we should just do all that shit for free. These same folks bitch about other groups of people who have entitlement issues. Hypocrites. On top of that, these personal project types of people want you to match prices on mass produced items they see on the Internet.

I know what ever it is they do in their day jobs they're not doing it for free. But they want us to work for free. Jerks. So, yeah, we only work for business related customers. No personal crap.


New Member
To update the decision to go internet-based.....
I paid $365.00 to have a professional website made.
$375.00 in advance for a year of website hosting.
A few weeks later, my very first sign that I sold through the website was to the Recreational Center, US Naval Air Station, Atsugi, Japan for $1300.00.
So, my very sign paid for the transition and made me "global" in terms of sales potential. And it took off from there.

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They got one heck of a deal. Didn't you know the government pays $1,000 for a toilet seat, $600 for a hammer? And that was back in the 90's. But seriously, good job it looks like you do very nice work.