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No Snowflakes or Bleedinghearts need to post

victor bogdanov

Active Member
Not sure why you thought this was directed at you, but since you brought it up..... do you realize almost 99% of your information is hearsay and unsupported with little to no evidence ?? Most of the stuff is alleged, suggested and mostly all from people who just love to see their name(s) in print..... just like these mass shooters. It's all about their 15 minutes of fame. The movie clips and pictures are not the ral thing, but photos and videos from all indsa crap. Not saying it did or did not happen, but are you sure you have all your facts straight ??
The government has done some crazy stuff, this MKUltra "mind control" project is very interesting if you read all the available details on it. This was 70+ years ago, I'm sure the government has made some advancements in the mind/behavior control capability since then.


Premium Subscriber
Do your research. Just about everything having to do with this project was destroyed back in the early 70's. It's not known how extensive or how well it ever did, if at all. Sure, quite a few documents remained, but not enough to really figure anything out for sure.

Man has been doing experiments on animals and humans for centuries. Why do you find this......ahhh interesting ?? You think you're the only person who found this old sh!t ??


Premium Subscriber
So what ?? Every country on this earth has been experimenting, torturing and doing inhumane things to animals and humans for a long long time. How do you think medicine progressed ?? People studied results and as we found newer and neater drugs or tools, our methods changed. Sure, it's easy now to say how things work, but what about before they really knew ?? Someone hadda do the dirty work. Is it good or nice ?? Sh!t no, but it happens. And it will keep on happening. Just try not to be one of the specimens.

Instead of bringing up old hat and whatnot, why not try to figure things out going on today ?? Wouldn't that be more eventful or helpful ??

* What makes pirates operate ??
* What makes drug lords do nasty things ??
* What makes so many mass shootings happen ??
* What makes people think of stupid sh!t and then believe it ??
* What makes the chinese hate us so much ??
* What makes us the greatest power on earth, yet you wanna help tear it down ??


Arial - it's almost helvetica
anyone worth their weight in salt with a graphics program can make copy or create anything and make it look authentic. It does not make it real though. There are better rabbit holes to go down on the internet than these conspiracies. The sad part is, there are people making crap up because some of y'all will buy into whatever nonsense you see and they are getting rich doing it. The more far out there it is, the more they make.


New Member
The public have a right to know whats going on.
While I agree with you that the public has a right to know, they often don't release the names of victims for various reasons. So why not limit the info on the shooter?
Police/Government often don't release info on many things and when a FOI is released there is stuff that is redacted.
So ya you can tell the public that a shooter or multiple shooters enter the area and killed/injured people, you can people give their story... just the shooter's info should be limited.
As a society that has a strong affinity for guns and with no real answer or common ground of what we can do to reduce the amount these events, perhaps the idea of limiting the attention we give to the shooter is something that we get behind as it doesn't cost anyone anything.

victor bogdanov

Active Member
anyone worth their weight in salt with a graphics program can make copy or create anything and make it look authentic. It does not make it real though. There are better rabbit holes to go down on the internet than these conspiracies. The sad part is, there are people making crap up because some of y'all will buy into whatever nonsense you see and they are getting rich doing it. The more far out there it is, the more they make.

Does it take a little more skill to upload it to intelligence.senate.gov?


Premium Subscriber
This is a pointless discussion. The type of mass shootings we're seeing right now are entirely preventable with some common sense legislation but that's not possible in a world where people advocating for gun control are considered snow flakes and bleeding hearts.

We're putting hammers in the hands of toddlers and blaming parents and the fact they are underdeveloped when in fact, the simplest solution is not putting a hammer in the hand of a toddler.

Also, it's disingenuous to bring up family as being an issue or mental health when you have no intention of offering any resources to improve those things? Mental health can be solved by making health care less expensive / included in your taxes, but that's not allowed because it's socialist. So people struggling with mental health issues are left to struggle without resources. Families? I'm sorry, but last I checked in order to survive in America you basically need to work no less than 40 hours a week, typically more. In addition, you typically need 2 parents working that much. How much can you expect from a parent? Forget after school resources and community resources. That would increase your taxes, which simply isn't acceptable. The internet is a much better babysitter.
"common sense legislation" THAT'S THE TICKET,

i wonder why nobody ever thought of that...

we have passed 38,000 pieces of gun control legislation since the assasinations of 1968

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
As a society that has a strong affinity for guns and with no real answer or common ground of what we can do to reduce the amount these events, perhaps the idea of limiting the attention we give to the shooter is something that we get behind as it doesn't cost anyone anything.

There is a significant cost to CNN and other news broadcasters in ad revenues. It is a major conflict of interests.


Arial - it's almost helvetica
Freedom of the press and freedom of speech have the same constitutional protections as the second amendment. If you argue that you can restrict or remove free speech and press, than another side will argue that you can restrict the 2nd. You can't have it both ways. The solution is either nothing or compromise.


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
This is a pointless discussion. The type of mass shootings we're seeing right now are entirely preventable with some common sense legislation but that's not possible in a world where people advocating for gun control are considered snow flakes and bleeding hearts.
What legislation would that be exactly? What law or set of laws would prevent this sort of thing? First off, you have to be an American, that would be someone immersed and participating in American culture, not someone who is or thinks they are any other nationality, to understand. The right to 'keep and bear arms' is absolute despite what Biden has to say. He, as well as a lot of others, confuses the flexible nature of our constitution, being able to amend the document, with the erroneous view that what is written in that document is not absolute. It is the law of of the land, not the guidelines of the land.

The first 10 amendments, the Bill Of Rights, do not create these rights, they merely describe them. As per both the declaration of independence and the constitution, you have these rights simply because you exist. Rights are not granted by the government, rather they are guaranteed and protected by the government. This can be a difficult concept if, once again, you're not American. Some seem to think that because certain rights are enumerated in the constitution those are all the rights they have. The 10th amendment deals with this erroneous notion.

Unfortunately, as long as the right to 'keep and bear arms' exists from time to time people are going to get shot. It's inescapable. It comes with the territory. Is this too high a price to pay for the right to 'keep and bear arms'? To some that seem to subscribe to the notion that all lives are precious, this is unconscionable. As for myself, there are a handful of people who are precious to me, as for anyone else, not so much. For the group that feels the right to 'keep and bear arms' carries too high a price tag, you must amend the constitution. If you can. In ~246 years no one has managed to pull that off. As for me and those who feel similarly, we are most tolerant of the other group's attempts to limit the right to 'keep and bear arms', often their rationalizations for wanting to do so are entertaining. The most common of these goes something like this "The founders [never intended/could not have known about] [machine guns/nuclear weapons/whatever you don't want others to have]". Unfortunately for those arguments, no exceptions to the right to 'keep and bear arms' are noted anywhere in the constitution. But, as previously noted, those of us on this side of the fence are a tolerant bunch. I would imagine that no sane person wants anyone to have nukes, from governments to you next door neighbor. Writing meaningless laws proscribing things like nukes, RPG's, ... , right on down to sling shots, is mostly tolerated.

I do have one pet peeve when people rant against weapons; before you use the term 'assault rifle' learn what an 'assault rifle' is and what an 'assault rifle' is not.
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Active Member
Coincidentally enough, it keeps getting worst... But hilights some of the flaws in the back and fourth on here.

Japan has the strictest gun laws in the world - yet a guy just used a home made shotgun and shot and killed the ex prime minister.

It goes to show that no matter the circumstance, if you want to kill someone or go on a shooting... You'll find a way.

China is also strict on gun control - yet they have hundreds of school stabbings a year... The psychos can't get guns, so they use knives to do mass stabbings instead of mass shootings. Where there's a will... There's a way.


Active Member
Compare the number of mass shootings in a country with strict gunlaws, with a country with nearly no gunlaws, and you will see that your statement is wrong.
Sure. But can you explain the knife attacks in China? There are more mass stabbings in China on trains and schools than there are shootings in america. And that's just the ones that leak... China blocks all news about it from getting out... So you can imagine that number is 10 fold.

Should they ban knives? If USA banned guns... Why wouldn't these people use a machete instead?

The problem is the people who do these shootings... Not guns. It seems like in 9 out of 10 cases it always ends up being someone with psych problems and issues - it'd be more effective identifying these people and getting them help in some form.

I think you should get mandatory training if you buy a fire arm. A background check that flags you if you have mental health issues or something, then at least you can go on a watch list or something.


One thing with all these mass shooters is that they're all heavily involved with the online world. Lots of niche communities, like Signs 101, but for more uhhh creative and dark interests. Even though sometimes they seem political in nature that's only because *everything* is these days. At it's core, it's young people (predominantly men) finding communities online that lead them down all sorts of F'd up paths. Part of the background check should include what forums you solicit or something like that. Put me in charge of background checks because I know an internet goblin youth when I see one.

Since social media/screen addiction is the source of so much mental illness and a catalyst for extremist behavior, both "left" and "right", I think we as a society should start focusing on that as a serious problem to be addressed paired with some form of gun control legislation. I'd be wary of overstepping privacy but at this point idk what else there is to do.


It's better to have two hands than one glove.

Definition of assault rifle

: any of various intermediate-range, magazine-fed military rifles (such as the AK-47) that can be set for automatic or semiautomatic fire
also : a rifle that resembles a military assault rifle but is designed to allow only semiautomatic fire
While the original definition came from the military, over the years it's been misused with such frequency that it now also includes semiauto rifles that look like something the military would issue. The AR15 style is now officially a "modern sporting rifle", but that hits the ear something awful, hence the AR15 has been roped into the assault rifle definition.
A dictionary is descriptive, not definitive. A dictionary is incapable of defining any word or term save the word 'dictionary'. A dictionary contains descriptions of word usages in vogue at the time the volume was published. To use an entry in a dictionary as a definition to prove or disprove a point is fallacious 'Appeal to Authority'. A formal Fallacy.

Pity about the AR15 since it was originally designed to be a survival rifle. Assuming that the history I read was correct.