Virtually all, people with foreign accents, tend to be problem customers. I cant explain why, I have to assume it is a cultural thing. I don't have anything against foreigners, but they just tend to be pain in the arse customers. I dont know if my mechanic customer is limiting myself as much as limiting problem customers.
I treat them with respect, and have never actually turned down an order from a foreigner for the reason that he/she is a foreigner, but I get reall tired of them trying to negotiate price or getting a quote for one thing and then trying to place an order for something totally differnt (expecting the price of the cheaper item).
And it's not the accent that bothers me. It is the actions and attitudes that those who happen to have foreign accents have.
Yeah especially those jackasses that speak that drawn out South Carolina version of English.... F***THOSE GUYS!....Would be faster to read a book than listen to them place an order...
Ohhh Wait a minute...