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Nothing sticks to avery matte laminated wrap - what a horrible day....


I don't hate paint, I just overlay it.
Well... Not the end of the world but Dear Lord help me!

So a customer of mine wanted to wrap up a Smart car in Matte finish and have their logos laminated with gloss and stick on top of the matte wrap to give it an extra popping effect.
Since this is such a small car and basically matte lamination will never sell I ordered avery 1080Z matte 75' roll. The 75' roll was a special order so I told the guy that I have to wait 2 days to receive it. Unfortunately, the weekend was coming up so it was "4 days".
I wrapped up the car with the matte print and wanted to do the logos but the avery 1105 wrap film did not wanted to stick to the matte lamination. I told the guy Not to pick up his car that day. i will have to re-print the logos with a different material (3m ij180cv3) but i need to let it gas out till tomorrow. He was not happy but ok. Take my time he says.
i do realize know that I was plain stupid not to test the material before I re printed the logos on 3M, because today I came in. laminated the logos. Let the machine cut it out. Put transfer tape on it to realize that this won't stick either.
I was pissed and I was like; ok... I am going to use Arlon 8000. It's stickiest material I know. This time I just cut off a piece to test it. That thing fell off like the car was greasy.
I started to panic. what now?
I called the customer and let him know what's happening. He didn't like the news. Told me to get it done right away or he takes the care somewhere else.
wow... I told him ok. we hang up.

Called Avery rep. he tells me 1106Z should work.
I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope that it would work. after the arlon 8000 i have doubt that anything will ever work.
So either i am not going to get paid here or i will have to order a full roll of 3M lam and re wrap the whole car on my clock.



New Member
So, how big are the logos? Did you think about reverse cutting the logo & apply couple layers of it on that spot & use heat gun or torch to make matte vinyl glossy on there?


Print all
man if the DPF 8000 did not work I am sorry to say but I think nothing else will work... crazy situation...
Did you try to use heat gun ?, I had a similar situation with matte paint drag race car... it wasn't sticking well I heated it and pressed really hard and it did stick after all...
maybe try that..


I don't hate paint, I just overlay it.
They are 50x10 on the side. all die cut. not a square logo.

that's a funny idea right there:D
Photo Oct 27, 1 22 56 PM.jpg We did a bunch of overlays onto avery matte black a few months ago. It was a little hassle to get them to adhere, but with some heat, they have stayed on well. This photo is showing it. It was gloss black, silver, and blue chrome overlays onto the matte black. All the films used were sw900


Rap Master
This is all good info to know. We do a LOT of matte wraps with gloss overlays here and have never had any issues. However, we use 3M vinyl.

I can't believe DPF8000 didn't stick, we print a lot of that also and it sticks to EVERYTHING! Especially with heat.

spectrum maine

New Member
last case scenario.... cut it in reverse- apply as a mask....spray krylon fusion gloss clear through the mask. remove mask stick vinyl to shiny area. sucks but it should work.


Active Member
+1 arlon 8000 shoulda worked, that sucks.
had same issue with carbon fiber wrap material, tried arlon 8000 and it did the trick


New Member
Matte films have a lower surface energy which makes adhesion harder. Did you wipe it with IPA before trying to apply? Ive had good luck with IPA and some heat on the matter before applying spot gloss logos on top.


New Member
Matte films have a lower surface energy which makes adhesion harder. Did you wipe it with IPA before trying to apply? Ive had good luck with IPA and some heat on the matter before applying spot gloss logos on top.

What about Convex or the new 3MIJ180C-10LSE

Pippin Decals

New Member
taking a shot in the dark on this because i dont do wraps but if im wrong then i learned something...What about using the 3M Primer?


I don't hate paint, I just overlay it.
I didn't get any notifications of the replies. Anyway. I have good news tho! And the craziest explanation!
The vinyl did stick on the matte lamination. I ended up using both 3m ij180 and avery 1105 since I trashed an avery door logo the first day and an 3m hood logo the 2nd day. So I used the avery and hood and one 3m on 1 door and avery on the other door. Anyway.
The high tack avery 1106 did come in. It is a lot stickier than avery but not as sticky as arlon. Probably as sticky as a freshly printed 3m cv180.

Anyway, check this out:

So my day started with getting to the shop. I opened the garage door because the weather was pretty good.( it was around 75F in the morning.
I laminated the new logos, cut and weeded it. Did some other stuff. A good hour passed by when i decided to put on the logos. Since I recorded the whole wrap I closed the garage door and put the AC on.
Tried to install the logo which did not stick.
As I said I spoke to the customer. Then I made approx. 30 calls to see if anyone has avery 1106HT material. I had no luck. Anyway after 3 hours of being on the phone and emailing everyon. I decided to check it again.
It freaking sticked!!!!!!!!!! not perfectly. It was pretty hard to pool the transfer tape off since it was pulling each individual letter's edges off but slowly and surely I did it.
One thing for sure. Next time if you have to transfer cut text or logos to matte finish use a low tack transfer tape! I used clear transfer tape which was very sticky. (keep in mind I did try all materials without transfer tape and as I said not even arlon stick.
I did use heat also. ( I was using imageone impact's big yellow heatlight)

Explanation? well. the temperature didn't change. It was 75 outside in the morning and I kept the ac on 75. Yes. by afternoon it was mid 80s so the ac kicked in a lot of times. But what does the AC do?
Well. It removes humidity from the air. So I believe that is what actually helped!

WOW. its all done. Customer loved it.
When putting avery anything on top of matte or even satin sometimes you have to wipe the area the overlay is going with isopropyl before hand. Then heat and it should adhere perfectly. Do this all the time at my shop.