Our production staff has been a bit short for the past year due to people leaving and us becoming busier. We've been taking on bigger and bigger projects that require a ton of people to do... I think we had about 7 temps for 4 months straight last year, a 2 month break inbetween then another 4 months straight. Ontop of us constantly having to outsource installs for wraps / 3D lettering because our installers were too busy doing other stuff. We were doing enough outsourcing to fill 1.5 peoples salaries alone.
So by hiring people we're hoping to not have to bring in temps, or contract installs anymore. The temp parts worked great... we still hire out quite a bit though due to our installers having different strengths... but we're hoping after a bit more training that goes away!
We've been busier this past year than ever before... funny enough we haven't done much covid stuff. A lot of governments have a surplus budget since theyre not spending it elsewhere...so our workflow has been crazy. The past 2 months have been record low months for us though... so there is a lot of standing around. We've been re-organizing the shop, doing in house training, we've crosstrained a lot... We lost our secondary CNC operator / Wide format operator... now we have 3 people that can run each, so we no longer have downtime due to one guy being sick! There's lots of stuff you can get done when you're not too busy. Of course as an owner knowing you're paying all this money while not bringing any cashflow in is scary... But things will pick up again, and we'll be in a much stronger position than we were in a year ago...so it has its upsides! Plus like I said... out of the dozen or so different temps we brought in... not one would come in because they were on cerb getting paid for free. Nothing like giving people jobs for years and then being told they'd rather free money than to come help when you're in a very busy time and need help... hell, I would have hired 3 people just out of spite just so I never had to bring these guys in again
Ontop of that... we have about 8 employees with 2+ months of vacation saved up since they cant leave for Vacations. So we've been asking / " forcing" them to take 2 weeks off here and there to get it down to 2 weeks max... So even though we have 3 extra people, we're usually down at least 1, more like 2 everyday to run out peoples vacation time.
Hiring when you dont necessarily need it right away does have its hardships! But if you can stay afloat and your business is doing well... its better to hire before hand so you can provide the proper training rather than throwing people into the fire as you said. I'm sure theres a fine balance though...and I bet if the owner of our company was asked, he'd likely wished he waited on one or two of the new hires since the past 2 months have been dead...
Wall of text! I'm stuck at home today so I'm bored

And yes, I'm glad to have got the townhome... but I hate it. I want a big yard for my kid, and a place I know I'll live in forever... I dont like doing upgrades here because it feels like a stepping stone. But a house the size of my townhouse (2200 sqft) is in the 1-1.2 Million range in my neighborhood... In a few more years working this job as well as my side job selling online I can likely afford it...then another 30 until its paid off, I can retire when I'm 70-75!