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Offshore Boat wrap designs?


New Member
Does anybody know of a place to buy premade boat wrap designs/templates? I am thinking about wrapping my "new to me" 1978 Seacraft CC. I have decent design skills but I am not artist. Looking for some offshore type of designs.


Dammit, make it faster!!
Just take a side shot of the boat and jot down some key measurements then scale to size in the program of your choice and design away?


New Member
I am well aware of how to do the layouts in Flexi but I do not have the talent to do the illustrations like I want. I can add lettering and other elements but what i want is something like this background


  • ft1.jpg
    217.7 KB · Views: 3,738


New Member
I would also look at Bigstock much cheaper price then some other stock photo places. I would also look at getting a vector based file (Illustrator).
That way you can enlarge to size needed without losing quality.