Yes, I hear that the US economic slowdown, (which may almost be a global slowdown as far as I know) has resulted in a vastly reduced consumption rate, & the Mimaki ink manufacturer is sitting on a back stock resulting in all our suppliers encountering the same unacceptable reduction in remaining shelf life. That is a problem for some of us, because nobody sells sign supplies on this island. It takes me 2 or 3 days to get inks at expensive RUSH rates, or over a week otherwise.
Advantage Sign Supply is my main vendor because of their great prices on the purchase of my Mimaki & their exceptional support on all my edge & printing equipment & software. They know I like to keep an extra set of inks on hand in case I ever get some massive rush job, but I am used to getting 4 to 6 months shelf life. 2 or 3 weeks ago I asked them if they had some fresh inks & he told me to wait. He mentioned that Mimaki has been stingy with them on anything fresh too. I ended up calling another vendor this week & found that they just received a shipment & had nothing dated out beyond May. I called Advantage again & they had a full set of June and July dates for me, so I ordered a set.
Many of you probably know about the merchant here, Fieldcenter, who can sell a freshness chip (that's my name for it, I don't know what it's really called) for $10, & you swap the chip with a couple screws & use old up your ink. I suppose like many things, the date, & the 30 day window of printing opportunity after the date are somewhat arbitrary time limits, that are conservative for the sake of minimizing manufacturer liability (& to increase sales, based on our losses disposing out of date ink) ...BUT I'm also sure that the thickening viscosity of old inks is a genuine issue, as is the separation of pigment particles from the solvent. I wouldn't take the risk myself & have thrown away half cartridges on multiple occassions, as much as I hated to do it.
The second vendor I talked to told me his only black inks were expired yesterday. I said "really... and you just got your shipment yesterday?", and he said no... he didn't bring in any black this time because he had so many... so I asked, "what are you going to do with it? can't sell it, right?"... well, believe it or not, this guy says no problem, all his customers who bought their printers from him... he "fixed" their printer settings... so it's not a problem! Man, I'm glad I didn't get my printer from them!!