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OMG I changed nothing I don't know what happened!


New Member
So I started printing some race car graphics Tuesday, I did installs yesterday, returned to my shop this afternoon to finish printing some sponsors, put in some new ink, and now my colors are WAY OFF. I double checked my profile, and every thing is the same! I am printing on a Mimaki JV3-160S using Flexi sign 8.1 pro and have never had this happend before! It only seems to be on this particular blue!


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New Member
So I started printing some race car graphics Tuesday, I did installs yesterday, returned to my shop this afternoon to finish printing some sponsors, put in some new ink, and now my colors are WAY OFF. I double checked my profile, and every thing is the same! I am printing on a Mimaki JV3-160S using Flexi sign 8.1 pro and have never had this happend before! It only seems to be on this particular blue!
Just an idea of something to try, I had same thing happen to me, it ended up being the magenta cartridge i put in was mis labeled and was actually light magnenta
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Temperature and humidity can be a factor, we have a humidifier and thermometer for the same reason, just wondering if the batch of ink can be that off just like paint?


New Member
I just changed color profiles too just to see from an arlon one I was using to a 3m version, this has me really stumped. and it seems that only the blue colors that are giving me issues.


New Member
Oh and I did not change anything other than black ink at first then i thought maybe it was an issue with my cyan that was at 1 but not beeping, so I put in a new cyan, and my test draws look right, other than my black head which has been messed up since I purchased this particular machine.


New Member
I did switch from arlon 4500 to a roll of IJ35c, but that said I have never had the issue before...


New Member
Do a re-linearization and check what is off. You will be able to see what is off and or will make the necessary adjustments to get you back to where you should be.


New Member
Do a re-linearization and check what is off. You will be able to see what is off and or will make the necessary adjustments to get you back to where you should be.
I sound like an idiot, but I have never had to do that, is that in production manager or where do i do that? Thanks!


New Member
Another note, when I do a test draw the colors look right on that, when I print a 1inch block of cyan its more of a teal color...


New Member
just noticed this warning on my color mixer, I think this is related to the problem, because its not there on my other pc...


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New Member
It was something inside the flexi file. I created a new file and it printed fine with out that yellow warning sign on color mixer, not real sure still what exactly happened...