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On TV tonight


New Member
Those who live in Grand RApids area.
Myself and my son will be on TV tonight. channel 17 they said either 10 PM or 11 PM depending on their schedules.

We will be talking about one of my business's, the katrina storm and the effect of moving from there to here.
Is this not marketing at its best?


New Member
One extreme to the other as far as location! Sounds like things are going well, glad to hear that. We travel to Michigan for ATV riding 7-8 times a summer, I love it up there!

Dave Drane

New Member
Curt, I think of you and your family and our time in Slidell every time I hear the name Katrina. Good luck and I hope you have resettled well by now. catch up soon.


New Member
Thank you my friends.

Yes i do karate as a business. It only takes a couple of hours a day around 4 in the afternoon. It leaves lots of time for the rest of the stuff I do.

They liked the first one so they asked me to come back again for a second interview on another show.


i pictured you younger...
I merely look older. But never worry. I would never take advantage of your youth and inexperience.

round man

New Member
A long time ago I told you it ain't how ya get knocked down that counts,..its how you get back up and fight that counts,...After seeing these two video's it makes me proud to say I have met you,....I'll act like I know ya even though it does embarrass you at times,.....