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Need Help Onyx - creating spot gloss with our Cannon Colorado

I think I'm in the right spot for this but just let me know if there is a better place. Our operator who knew how to do it left and never taught anyone. Can anyone help me with setting up a file in Onyx for adding spot gloss to a print on a cannon colorado? We know the FLX option needs to be on there in a couple spots but nothing changes on the print. The manual doesn't go into much detail but we followed what it said and nothing is happening. Let me know if more info is needed. Thanks everyone.


Rap Master
Never used that printer, but when we needed to print specialty inks on our previous printers with Onyx in similar situations the important thing to remember was to have the area defined as a spot color, and all parts of the art set to Overlays. Onyx has to understand what the spot color name is though in the profile, and then you have to manually (usually) tell it while ripping the file to use those settings.