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Onyx Cut Server and Graphtec FC7000-160


New Member
We are having trouble with our Graphtec FC7000-160. The fact that the cuts are so inaccurate when cutting anything over say a couple feet is obvious, but sometimes once a file is printed we are not recieving the cut info in Cut Server 2.0. It seems once some files are printed with Production House ver.6 they will end up with a red X beside the file... saying printing error? Needless to say we have been doing alot more hand cutting than we should...

Another issue is sometimes when the file prints and sends cut info correctly, the plotter has trouble reading each corner registration mark. We have tried everything to remedy this including checking the lens for dust, varying the room lighting etc. Sometime a file just wont work? Frustrating... any suggestions?

Thanks for your time

Letterbox Mike

New Member
We went through two FC7000s and an FC5100 before giving up on graphtec, I don't think they're that good at contour cutting. I'm not sure about the printing error issues, that sounds like a software issue that we've never encountered, but your plotter issues are par for the course.

We solved some of the missed registration mark issues bu builing a cardboard "hood" to cover the plotter while it was looking for the marks, if there was any light leaking they wouldn't find it (all three different plotters had the same issue). Aside from that, long cuts would walk off skew, and it was never overly accurate to begin with.

I wish I could offer you more help, try the hood thing to see if it works. For what it's worth I feel your pain. We've sinced moved on to a Summa plotter and have nothing but praise for their equipment, it's really excellent.

Letterbox Mike

New Member
Actually, while I'm thinking of it, what file format were your cut files when you got the printer error? I do recall having a couple missing cut files when we used .pdf files with cut paths. Didn't happen all the time, but I remember a handful of times.

Charlie J

New Member
I've had really great quality out of my graphtec. Tracks great over +10ft. I do get annoyed with the mark scan errors though.


New Member
files were all eps files... oh yeah, the mark scan errors ....AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!


New Member
It's been a while since I've worked with that setup, but I seem to remember being able to tweak the density of the reg marks in order to make them easier for the cutter to see. In 6.0 I think it was in the printer config, I could be wrong as I don't have a system to look at right now. I know I had to do that in order to get I-Cut bar codes to read correctly, and it resolved the issue.


New Member
Are you running the latest firmware? When I talked to graphtec first thing they always have me do before even troubleshooting is upgrade the firmware. It is easy and has fixed our issues before. Production House 6? If the version is like postershop you are a whole version behind, I would do is upgrade your software if you are having print cut issues on that end. Maybe a work around for you on the cut files not generating, click your printer in onyx, goto configure printer and change the connection method from firewire to print to file. Now you can resend the job and a new cut file is generated without actually printing anything. Good chance that particular issue is fixed in a new version of onyx though.

Our experience with print and cut with onyx and graphtec in short has been a roller coaster ride. The FC5100 we had worked, but we never got precise cuts with it. It is not uncommon for our cutter to run the better part of a work day. We stopped fighting the 5100 and got a 7000 last year. The ARMS sensor is much better, no doubt, but the whole setup just doesn't work as good as I think it should though. I blame most of the issues though on onyx postershop. To this day we constantly deal with bugs and quirks in Cut Server 2.0. There is a bug currently that deals with overlaping anchor points, you will get a random line across your cuts, HUGE PAIN when your trying to do volume work. There is another bug when you setup a page size as a sheet, send 50 signs so they print in say groups of 8 (to be cut) Onyx will randomly leave off the graphtec cut marks. We're learned to deal with the quirks of both the software and the cutter. We've found that for very precise jobs to use the "dead on" tutorial on graphtecs website and finecut. It does work, but is slow.

d fleming

New Member
My fc7000 runs to perfection using signlab. Contour cuts so precise I don't need to print bleeds. Very rarely get a markscan error.

Hype Visual

New Member
I've got an FC7000MKII-160 and the latest Onyx, can send the cut job from Cut Server and the Graphtec does go looking for the reg marks but when looking for the first mark it's looking nowhere near where the actual reg mark is printed so doesn't even find it haha.... I'm sure it's something simple like how I'm loading the media into the cutter maybe? Can't find hardly any actual helpful info on the net, or any videos which would be better! If anyone is able to help that would be amazing!
I've got an FC7000MKII-160 and the latest Onyx, can send the cut job from Cut Server and the Graphtec does go looking for the reg marks but when looking for the first mark it's looking nowhere near where the actual reg mark is printed so doesn't even find it haha.... I'm sure it's something simple like how I'm loading the media into the cutter maybe? Can't find hardly any actual helpful info on the net, or any videos which would be better! If anyone is able to help that would be amazing!
any luck cant get ours to read it acts like the scale is off
Still no luck from my side.. There has to be a way surely, I’ve managed to get it to find the front marks but it feeds the sheet all the way through until it’s out trying to find the back ones
that is what ours is doing. can you cut just regular vinyl from Onyx? it will cut for me it just cut at a totally different
size than what i send