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Onyx Media Profile Problem


New Member
I am trying to create a profile for a gloss canvas for my GS6000 using Onyx and my i1, and am getting the following linearization table - as you can see it is a bit off, especially the green!

Can anyone shed any light as to what might be going on?

Thanks heaps


New Member
and the attachment!! duh!


  • chart1.jpg
    66.6 KB · Views: 152


New Member
Thats happened to me as well. What I did was reprint the the charts again and reread them till it came out better. Make sure the prints are clean nice prints and dry before you read them and or the printer may have to maintenanced to print better.


New Member
Thanks for your response, the printer is brand new, so maintenance is not an issue.

The quality of the prints look fine, I have done it about three times now with no change - but I do get different readings everytime I scan though - so I figure the issue is with the i1 or the glossyness of the media, as it is quite glossy.

What media were you using out of interest?



New Member
glossy canvas is your problem. Move to a matte and you'll do MUCH better.

Either that or use an instrument with a polarizing filter on it. What's happening is the light from the spectro is bouncing around the gloss texture of the canvas and scrambling the measurements.

Easiest solution is go to a matte canvas.


New Member
Thanks guys,

Boxerbay, no I am not using the filter, is this an accessory you can purchase?

eye4clr, yeah after playing around today I would agree with you. I am not a fan of the gloss canvas at all - and in the future will be using matte, as I have done in the past.

The only thing is I have managed to score some gloss at a very very good price, so for the short term I have a few rolls to get through. There must be some way around it ;-)

Thanks again for the responses people :U Rock:


New Member
the only way to "properly" profile it is with the polarizing filter (not avialable for the eyeone).


New Member
Look for a used spectrolino/spectroscan combo. Be sure that the spectrolino has all the filters and cables. The Lino should have 4 filters iirc. They are labeled with a P, U, UV and D65. the P filter is your polarizer. This will allow you to read your gloss canvas as well as laminated prints. You can get by with just the lino, but you can only take single patch readings with it. The spectroscan base will automate theprocess for you but it still only takes patch readings instead of scanning rows like the eye one io.