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OPOS not recognized?


New Member
Hi gang,
I've got my first order for a bunch of decals to cut on my T750. I've had this unit for years and never really had a use for the OPOS until now. I've downloaded the cutter control and Winplot, and I usually plot from CorelDraw in X5 for background info. Through the Summa cutter control, I've been able to have all the markers read and identified around the decals, so I know that works. However, when I try to plot it through Winplot, I get an error message stating that the markers can't be found. If I try to plot through the Summa cutter control by uploading a file that it can accept, nothing happens at the plotter.
I've got a call into Summa tech support but so far they haven't called back (could be a time zone issue). I'd really like to get this job done without hand-cutting everything... anyone have any ideas?



New Member
I think your problem is the OPOS on the old Summas will not read thru a
UV laminate, The newer machines have OPOS II or something with different
technology. I have used mine by masking over the reg marks and removing the
laminate- then they will be detected. You also need to use Summa Winplot
which I think you can download from their site.


New Member
No laminate on these. I did talk with Summa tech and he asked if I had downloaded all the programs - winplot, cutter tools, cutter control, etc... which I had, except for the one that automatically places the OPOS reg marks around the graphic. Did that, re-printed the decals and tried again... and the same issue. Winplot won't recognize the marks and cutter control still won't execute a plot file. Can't figure it....

Got around it temporarily by carefully loading and adjusting the print and cutting normally through CoCut. Weird and slow, but it worked!


New Member
letterman: except for the one that automatically places the OPOS reg marks around the graphic.

And which program was that? Gene


New Member
Summa Printer tools has a Plug-in for ILL & Corel to add the marks.

ILL plugin was in the last release and works very well.


New Member
It's part of the new(er) WinPlot downloadable from SummaUS. When loaded, it shows in Corel as an icon window with WinPlot on one side and "OPOS XY" next to it. Nice little feature with one problem: the plot is limited to 48" long by about 26" high, at least on my machine. The plot I was trying to do in this thread was 72" long, and the OPOS maxed out at 1300mm - it went that far looking for a marker that wasn't there. The auto marker routine places markers only at the beginning and end of the graphic, nothing in the middle, which seems counterintuitive to me. I might try copy/pasting the markers down the length of the plot on the next set of decals I do to see what happens.


New Member
If you installed the plugin Tres is talking about this is what should happen.
First of all this plug in is a macro ran in Corel Draw,nothing more.
If needed you can change the macro and alter the dimensions of the regmarks which are standard 2 mm in size.
Maybe with older machines when you raise it to 4 mm it might read them better even with lamination ove rit.

In X4 I draw a square of 1000mm whidth and 5000mm long.
I select this rectangle and click the icon to produce the oposxy regmarks.
It produces lots of OPOSMARKERS along the lentgh (left and right handside) and a horizontal line at the bottom of 1 mm thick.
The original rectangle is now called PLOT.

The picture shows a smaller sample with the layer.

Make sure when you send your file to Winplot that the markers are printable.
They should show in the preview of Winplot.

I always have one layer with the cut lines and one layer with the oposmarkers.



  • x4-summa markers.jpg
    x4-summa markers.jpg
    37.8 KB · Views: 604


New Member
In the macro which is actually Visual basic 6 language you can change some settings. I marked the marker size.
If you change this size and save the file it will produce larger square markers.
Press Alt+F11 to start the macro editor.



  • x4 macro marker size change.jpg
    x4 macro marker size change.jpg
    60.4 KB · Views: 299


New Member
If the opos marks are not sharp, the cutter may reject them. For the lack of a better term... "Fuzziness" or Sensitivity can be lessened on the cutter keypad under calibrate Media.. Then choose SET 1 and deflaut is 30. I have changed mine all the way down to 6 so it finds fuzzy marks thru 210 lam.

Jim Doggett

New Member
Hi gang,
I've got my first order for a bunch of decals to cut on my T750. I've had this unit for years and never really had a use for the OPOS until now. I've downloaded the cutter control and Winplot, and I usually plot from CorelDraw in X5 for background info. Through the Summa cutter control, I've been able to have all the markers read and identified around the decals, so I know that works. However, when I try to plot it through Winplot, I get an error message stating that the markers can't be found. If I try to plot through the Summa cutter control by uploading a file that it can accept, nothing happens at the plotter.
I've got a call into Summa tech support but so far they haven't called back (could be a time zone issue). I'd really like to get this job done without hand-cutting everything... anyone have any ideas?


Hi Rick,

With WinPlot you need to draw the marks, then it finds them. With CoCut, it adds the marks and includes the parameters (size and placement of the marks) in the plot-file header.

If more marks are needed in the X-axis (length) CoCut adds them. As I recall, there needs to be a mark in every 1300 mm of plot length, when using Summa's OPOS.

Call me if I can be of help. 206.235.2496.



New Member
The new version of Winplot will add the marks for you.
It has a plugin for ILL & Corel.

Works great!

Jim Doggett

New Member
The new version of Winplot will add the marks for you.
It has a plugin for ILL & Corel.

Works great!

I stand corrected! :^) Yeah; I just learned that speaking with Rick. Apparently it's not adding additional marks in the X-Axis on jobs longer than 1.3 meters. But it's easy to copy-paste a set of intermediate marks.

Kudos to Summa for including OPOS-mark creation in WinPlot. Major improvement.


Jim Doggett

New Member
FYI: Just did a test in ILL with graphics 199"x199", it added 19 marks per side.

Hmmm? Maybe Rick's copy has a bug or it's a problem in the CorelDRAW/VB app. But Rick's calling Summa, too. So I'm sure it'll get sorted out.

Thanks for the good info.
