Any update, did you get the camera working? Getting a quote on a shop sabre with opticscout. How is the workflow when you use the camera for printed signs? Do yoy have the tangential knife, ever cut any decals with opticscout? Looking for some real life feedback as it doesn't seem they are really geared towards print to cut stuff. But trying to decide if the shop sabre can be good do all cnc for me. Looking at the colex too, completely different animals.
Got a brand new one to the tune of 2k. I believe netsol is right, the software doesn't seem to care what video feed it's getting, but I could never come up with a compatible part, and just wanted it working again.
Work flow is not great, boot the router, set home, load material, open optiscout, import prepared dxf, arrange layers with cut strategies, hit go, it will unload the bit, run the camera registration, and you have to scramble to get the cover back on the camera so it doesn't get damaged by chips. If you were doing 10 identical parts/prints, it would be great, otherwise you have to 'work' on every file to get the proper cutting parameters.
Dunno how the colex does it, but it's a different beast as you say, surely a much faster throughput than the shopsabre.
was the camera returned to you yet?
i would be curious to see a pic with covers removed
They sent it back, I'll dig it out a little later and get you some pics.