Pixels Are Bad Mmmkay?
New Member
How 'bout a vertical gradient,... are you partial to that gimmick as well????JP
I guess if you view a simple two color gradient as a 'gimmick', then yes.
How 'bout a vertical gradient,... are you partial to that gimmick as well????JP
.... just spent a few minutes checking out your "portfolio" since you've been kind enough to supply a link .....hmmmmmm,.... here's a thought.....you may want to re evaluate your thought process before submitting your comments / critiques...........JPI guess if you view a simple two color gradient as a 'gimmick', then yes.
.... just spent a few minutes checking out your "portfolio" since you've been kind enough to supply a link .....hmmmmmm,.... here's a thought.....you may want to re evaluate your thought process before submitting your comments / critiques...........JP
For example, what don't you like?
Why would you add this element and muddy the waters of a nice clean, uncluttered design?????? JP
LOL,... and perhaps a gradient,...double your pleasure and more bang for your buck......JPWell, I do like the difference in contrast of the beveled font!
What font is that you used?
Well, I do like the difference in contrast of the beveled font!
What font is that you used?
united serif![]()
...let's start with these monumental efforts.....perhaps you could offer them up for comparison sake.........JP
united serif![]()
Holy Ship did this thread get off track. Maybe you guys should start comparing how much you can bench press after? Or how far you can pee?
Nice cop car Jeff, I dig it.
That is all.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz................jpyou do realize that some designs and layouts are determined and/or submitted solely by the customer, correct? At the time, we wanted a fair amount of variety to show potential customers on our portfolio, but with our business being in it's infancy, our options were limited and this page does need updated in a very bad way, as you've so kindly brought to my attention. The two images in question were entirely dictated by the customer and i had no creative input, not that it would have mattered.![]()
...........just about as impressive as your portfolio.....JImpressive response. Just what I expected from a troll.
If one of ya, don't stop it, this poor guy is gonna get his thread locked down, unless someone from up above deletes this stuff, then it's all for naught.
ask me how I know about this sh!t......................
Not taking sides here, but it's quite obvious this has nothing to do with the thread anymore.[/QUOTE
.... you're so right,.....the entertainment value expired a few posts ago........carry on............JP
Technically, it is a font I designed freehand based entirely on United Serif, so they are VERY similar in almost every aspect. The idea was to create a collegiate style font with the option of bevels. While I could have designed the bevels for use with an existing United typeface, I figured if I was going to go to this amount of work to create a beveled font, I may as well draw the letter forms freehand and make it 'my own'. So that's pretty much what you see here.
Here is an original one I designed from scratch, albeit I apparently have no business designing anything.
...let's start with these monumental efforts.....perhaps you could offer them up for comparison sake.........JP
.........THIS..... ladies and gentlemen --- 1000%....'nuff said......JP.....
Back to your thoughts on this design needing to be” fancied up” with 3-D looks or gradient fills; as I mentioned, I don’t have to look too far to find examples of what you are talking about and most are overdone and / or illegible.
For the most part I have built a reputation on providing clean legible layouts . . . I’ll just keep doing that.![]()
..........."racist avatar?"......you've got to be kidding........ JPI'm sorry all other judgements aside, but I just can't take anyone serious who has the gall to use a clearly racist avatar on a site like this. Your put downs of jsmoritz2000 are out of line and not relevant to this thread.
Is your portfolio in a place where we all can go look at it?