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outdated software


New Member
Hello all!,
I work for a business in the event industry, i am technically a operations manager. years ago we bought a plotter ( graphtec7000-160 ) and a the software to use it ( coreldrawX3 and cutting master2 ). From time to time we make signs for our events, usually small things, labeling booths etc. For anything large there is a sign company in our cove who we use. We like to mess around and make stupid stuff for ourselves and such as well so you could say that i am IN the business, just not as deep in as alot of you.
Here is my issue, My company is cheap,... they want me to use the stuff to make things they need but arent interested in upgrading etc. So my poor tower in computer years is 150 yr old dinosaur! and corelX3 is way outdated. Recently my projects quit sending to the plotter, after hitting cut plot, it just freezes, i would assume there is some kind of setting wrong, maybe a driver gone bad,or any other small techincality, but not being a computer genius ive fooled around with it and cant seem to find the solution. so where i am now? i do have access to a new tower, but that requires software! which they wont pay for. So im trying to talk to some people in the field, see if they have encountered this issue before. As repairing the problem seems to be my only course since software isnt free.

I am excited ive found this site, even if i cant find the answer i wont be quitting the field anytime soon as it is a ton of fun for me so being able to access people with similar likes sounds awesome to me!

-some info
i have reset pc
i have reset plotter
i have run a test on the plotter and it works fine
and i have checked all of my connections

thanks in advance!

Biker Scout

New Member
You by chance didn't happen to change the cables coming from the plotter to the computer? Like the Serial Cable for a new shiny one?


New Member
Actually the software is older, but not outdated, I am not sure what your problem is, but like BikerScout said check cables and or buy new>

Check Graphtec's site for software updates, drivers etc

Biker Scout

New Member
The software shouldn't really matter, as long as it can output plotter language. (HPGL etc) I'm currently running a 20+ year old Graphtech on a new Mac, and only using SignCut as my plotter connecting software. But I can tell you from experience, it's the cables that matter the most. And as you might have guessed, a Mac doesn't have a serial cable connection either.

Which is why I'm betting you threw out the old cables along with the older computer, thinking that you can just hook up new ones with the new tower. There is a very specific type of Serial cable that is needed to communicate with older plotters and printers.


New Member
I have not changed any cables. as it pertains to the new stuff, i was saying i could actually start over with a new tower, except i dont have software to put on it.
I pulled up cutting master and hit the tab for test, and it communicated to the plotter, so im not sure the problwem lies with the plotter, i think it is still running great. i think the problem may lie with my dinosaur tower. seriously it might be from the early 90's lol


New Member
Force the cheap azz owner to buy his signs outside the company and see if the cost of a few upgrades is not worth it then.


New Member
I use Corel x3, don't have any issues....I discovered years ago there is no need to get every new version of Corel, I upgrade every 4-5 years now...


New Member
you got problems............ we who fix computers call......... OPERATOR WITH INSUFFICIENT MEMORY/DATA )))))))))
1. nothig is wrong with COREL X3.......AS LONG YOU GOT ALL THE UPDATES(your fault if you dont know this) open COREL, go to HELP, then open ABOUT. where it says VERSION..........you should have not GET UPDATE FROM COREL. now by the sound of your operation, if youre COREL IS A HACKED COPY.... you cant get UPDATES. so yea youre screwed. if its a legal copy it will allow you d/l updates.
as for drivers, I CUT DIRECT FROM CORLE DRAW X3 to a roland plotter. no need for any other program. iam runnin an XP O/S and have no problems with software/hardware. SO.....buy newer better, faster computer/program..wont fix lack of knowing what youre doing.
and if you dig around.........i THINK GRAPHTEC has direct cut from corel driver available.............