I have a ucjv300. Everything was great but constantly had cyan drop out. I took thr bottle dampers apart and stretched the spring and reassembled to get an overflow issue. I then tried to swap the tiny sensor on the subtank around. The error went from overflow 2cyan to overflow3magenta.
This must be a tell of something but I don't know how to diagnose given the data.
Also I noticed 1 of my 2 cyan bottles was near full, the other near empty. Both read almost empty on the digital panel. That made me wonder.. hmm let's see what the subtank looks like. One is full one is EMPTY. Is this clogged hose? Bad sub tank ?
This must be a tell of something but I don't know how to diagnose given the data.
Also I noticed 1 of my 2 cyan bottles was near full, the other near empty. Both read almost empty on the digital panel. That made me wonder.. hmm let's see what the subtank looks like. One is full one is EMPTY. Is this clogged hose? Bad sub tank ?