As others have reported, a track saw is a great tool, and is the way to go for very clean splinter free edge and precision cuts. I used one for the first time a few years ago while working on the Extreme Makeover Home Edition project house built for SGG Patric Ziegler in Salado, TX. For one week I worked in a large white tent the called "Art World" and the TV production company, Lock & Key Productions had several large box trucks loaded with just about every kind of portable wood working tool you could think of right next to the tent, and they had a DeWalt track saw with three different size tracks, the longest being just over 8'.
We made several pieces of furniture for the project house, including a large credenza, a custom coffee table and display cases, we mainly used 3/4" thick furniture grade plywood, and used a table saw to cut all the rough sizes, and the DeWalt track saw to cut all the finished cut sizes, the cut edges were ready for edge banding without any additional work.
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I was just amazed at the finished edge after cutting, I have a high end table saw in my shop and never get the same smooth finished cut edge as you can get using the track saw with it's anti-chip edge system that eliminates splintering. As soon as we fished working on the project house for SGG Ziegler, I looked into purchasing a DeWalt track saw, but I found them to be a bit pricey, I'm still looking a good sale. [/FONT]
Here is a good article about the difference between a Panel Saw and Track saw:
For anyone who is not familiar with Extreme Makeover Home Edition house for SGG Patric Ziegler and his story, here is a short video: