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Pennsylvania Dutch Hex Art.


New Member
Looking to buy "Hex art" the Pennsylvania barn stuff in the circle with the flowers bunnies and symmetrical designs on them. Anyone know of a clip-art vendor that has them for sale?

I'm redoing to old metal milk barrels for a customer.


New Member
Bob would you believe I used to have a whole stencil kit of these things.
Someone in my family who made these things in the 1960s gave them to me but it always seemed too big of a PITA to try.
I tossed them out a few years ago.
Try Googling "Hex Signs" you may have a bit of luck.


New Member
Jill, I've googled my ass off and nothing really good. I'm going to make them from scratch. Should only take a few extra minutes and then I'll have a good vector file in which I can mass produce them on scrap coroplast. I'll sell them online and retire a millionaire. !!!


New Member
Wow Fred. You have some good stuff. I never thought to search for "folk art". I was searching for "hex art" and kept coming up with nuts and bolts :)

I just built these really quick with an assortment of Corel clip art pieces and I have about twenty minutes in it.

Thanks for taking the time to look up your stuff for me.:thumb:


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Premium Subscriber
Being in the heart of Pa Dutch land.... they are quite common around here. Some of the things Jill found are good beginnings. I used to do a ton of those things in the 60's & 70's. They were very popular, but no one wanted to spend the money for authentic pieces and that's where I drew the line. There are real values and meanings behind these things and it's considered taboo to halfheartedly mix-n-match these things..... to some. :wink:


New Member
Good find Joe! I like Gino's thoughts on messing with the symbols. I wanna see if the customer gets some bad luck from his milk jugs. Call me Mythbuster Signs & Milk Barrel Graphics.


New Member
Darn it now I had to go and bake a pie when I was supposed to be up in the garage with a jig saw.
This is my first ever Shoo Fly pie, it probably looks better than it tastes.
Bob it means "We get too soon old and too late smart", no gumbands.
Gino might be right about messing with the symbols. My old kit had specific signs for specific things, but I do think that some things were interchangeable.
Just make sure you don't put a fertility hex on the guy.


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New Member
I remember buying a shoo fly pie once when traveling through Amish country on the way to Hershey. Talk about a sugar buzz! Was good though.

Thanks for the translation Jill! Now I have learned my one thing for the day...


Premium Subscriber
Here's mine, Jill................. rmpty dish.jpg

Mine was a dry bottom, but I like the wet bottom, too.

Ei die Gut in der Himmel.

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