It's better to have two hands than one glove.
...The enlargement will most likely disappoint and be poor in quality. I use 400% as the limit for enlargement of a bitmap as a rule of thumb before pixelization and visible defects become apparent. It will, of course, depend on the size of the image before any enlargement as well as the file's condition.
If you merely grab a corner and pull then 400% is probably a pretty good number. But if you use a spline fit algorithm, which are legion, you can expand to incredible sizes with no pixelization whatsoever. You will end up with some small pixel bloom and other annoying artifacts but in scale with the rest of the image they are small and not particularly noticeable.
I've been using PhotoZoom Pro and find it completely satisfactory for expanding reasonably sharp images to ridiculous sizes. There are many other proprietary products using the spline fit algorithm, I just happen to like this one. Apparently Corel likes it as well since they integrated the PhotoZoom engine into PhotoPaint X6 and I assume beyond..