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Photoshop Effects

Jen Goodwin

New Member
Does anyone know where you can get an effect for Photoshop 6 that will give you the look of a domed decal? I've used Eye Candy's bevel and Photoshop's bevels and I'm not really liking the results.

Looking for an effect like the one on this Bullfrog Spa logo:


or any suggestions on how to go about creating the effect. Needs to look glassy, which is what I keep lacking with the bevels. I have found perfect styles to accomplish this, but they are for Photoshop 7 and above.

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
I downloaded a bunch of free styles from Adobe Studio a while back. About 2/3 were for PS 7 ad highter but about 1/3 do work in PS 6 including one named glass buttons and another named glass button rollovers.

You might want to try loading these various freebies to see which will work.


Jen Goodwin

New Member
I have the glass buttons, they didn't really hit the mark either. I REALLY love the one under most popular; 'shiny and glossy surfaces' - that is exactly what I am looking for, but it's only for PS7 and above, as so many of the nice stuff is. I guess I'll attempt to do it myself - it's always fun to learn new photoshop tricks :) or.....I could use it as an excuse to upgrade PS!! :biggrin:
Thanks Fred!


New Member

Here is a sample that is obviously flat in the real world but by inspecting the 'glare' we can see that it is merely a highlighted area that tints (white) the underlying colors. This is easily accomplished by adding a graduated semi-transparent layer in the shape you select over the top of solid colors. For me it was back to art class and visualize what image was reflecting in the glossy art and attempt to recreate it in reverse with the distortion of the 'dome.'

Nope it is not as easy as a one-click button but it is easily accomplished in Corel or Photoshop. Its kinda like Ian suggested. I think you'll understand it right off the bat!



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Jen Goodwin

New Member
Thanks Guys...I am having a hard time achieving what I am looking for. This customer directed me to the Bullfrog ad - he really likes the look, but wanted his oval black which only adds to the hard time that I am having. Here is what I have now and still not happy with the effect.
What do you think I can do to make the center look more domed than this? The bevel doesn't get large enough and smooth enough to make a dome. Highlighting the black doesn't seem to work either because it's black.


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New Member
Is this what you are trying to do? If so eye candy4000 has a filter called Glass that allows you to do this easily


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New Member
A real world experiement:

Even if you don't have a doming kit, you can do a 'test' very inexpensively by purchasing 2 part expoxy in the syringe type dispenser. Or purchase a larger kit at a craft store - the kind uses to pour over clocks etc - mega doming...

Then take your printout and do a cheap 'dome' on it. Depending on the method you chose, there will be some or no air bubbles in the finished product.

Pour the epoxy on slowly and be ready to stop adding resin when you see the surface tension build it up after it naturally stops at the edges.

When the dome is cured, mount it on something so you can play with taking photos and looking at the final image - look at the light reflected in the 'dome.' Can you see say the windows in your house or shop, outdoors are you seeing trees reflected in the 'dome.' If you take a natural light photo, there is only one (sun) light source and shadows (tone) on the other side of the dome.

The samples I see here appear as just bands of 'light' with no dicernable image reflected. But the Kroger sample has a window reflection with the light source coming from the 1-2 pm upper right angle. To get a realistic finished product, the light source reflection has to be consistent - depending on how many light sources are imagined in the real world 'dome.' A light band on the top and bottom with a glare also in the upper left is not realistic for a one light source image. If the real world 'dome' is photographed in a multi-illuminated environment, then there are multiple highlights.

But in the end there has to be some real life type reflection in the 'dome' or the brain is not fooled into thinking it looks like a real dome.


Jen Goodwin

New Member
You guys are great, thanks for the input. I have tried the glass effect in Eye Candy, but it's alot like the bevel effect - looking routered and not domed.
I like what you did with the airbrush, Ian. I have attempted many tries with the airbrush also (yours looks better :smile:) but really to no avail. I agree with Barry about the reflections...I googled 'onyx stone' and 'onxy dome' and the pictures that I found had alot of 'environment shadows' in them and alot of reflections and lens flare kind of things.
I have done numerous tutorials, scoured the Adobe Studio Exchange site and what have I learned???
Next customer who wants a logo like this with extensive photoshop work will be paying a pretty penny for it! :biggrin:

Oh BTW, DCCAS...I had some white ripples and airbrushed them out; maybe I shouldn't have. :thumb:


New Member
didn't read thru all the replies.....but did you try the plastic effect in photo paint? I think you may have to layer and use the plastic effect (sometimes more than once for each layer)

Jen Goodwin

New Member
Ahh, Photo Paint...I didn't try it. As a matter of fact I almost stated that I didn't have it - but I do. Never used it - now I have something else to play with :cool1: Thanks That Girl!

David Snider

New Member
Jen after applying a bevel in PS try applying a slight soft inner shadow. Not sure if it will give you the right effect on a dome, but it does really well on wide letters.


New Member

I am with you - I mean look at all the work you have put into this thing. The customer must pay appropriately! But the OPTIMIST'S club experience in me says this is a great investment so that you can
A). go sell the concept to a prospective buyer and make more handsome profits or
B). When the next customer calls you with a complex Photoshop job, you can knock it out in half the time and make twice the profit!

"Education is an expensive proposition. Lets all hope it is a fulfilling investment."


ps I am in the midst of a couple of jobs that 'reflect' (bad pun) this thread. Old Paint and others gave me good direction with regard to painting and airbrushing directly on vinyl. Posts to follow when job complete.

Just got a scrip for Ritalin. 46 years-old and just now taking steps to conquer Adult Attention Deficit Disorder that I have 'managed' and struggled with for years. Man can I pump out the jobs, now! Better than caffeine at only 10 times the price!
I recommend it for all creative types who feel distracted and lack total focus. AADD is not an embarassment. It is really a badge of honor that God created us with hyper active creativity that is difficult to harness.

Ian Stewart-Koster

Older Greyer Brushie
Jen, after posting that attempt, I went to bed, then thought about the 'old faithful' way of designating spheres from when I was at school, by drawing a 'window with four panes' reflection on it, and I had a go at doing it,although I wasn't happy with the result, thne I logged on to find the idea mentioned above.....great minds think alike, shame we can't all design by esp!

Anyhow, good luck with your attempts & here it is/was:


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Jen Goodwin

New Member
Cool, Ian. But I am thinking that the window doesn't work because of the 'outdoor' theme...here's another attempt I made, but now I am thinking instead of a window of adding a silouette of a diver curved on the edge - you know, just to make this more difficult. :biggrin:


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David Snider

New Member
jen, did you ever get the result you were hoping for? if you still need some help, i have found some PS tutorials online that will help you achieve the desired effect i think you were looking for.

this is a little button i did with a tutorial, and there are many more helpful sites that have not only been helpful but are fun to test your PS skills.

good luck


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