I am hand coding in html 5 using jquery. I don't like wordpress its a pain, its vulnerable and its for blogs not really for websites. I know you can do a lot with it but as far as what I am doing its security flaws way out weigh its benefits.
A) Wufoo is for any code environment and is considered the cadillac of form development, yes even for mobile.
B) You're completely delusional about wordpress, it's a full fledged CMS running over 17 million websites most of which aren't blogs. I just mentioned gravity forms in case you WERE developing for WP as so many of us developers are now (because it's awesome).
Subsection C) Ignore people calling for captchas they're completely worthless and ancient tech that just annoys legit users.
Subsection D) Look into external security measures such as CloudFlare, which has an email obfuscation security built into it's precaching secure filtering layer.