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PMS to CMYK values


New Member
Wondering if someone can source a numerical conversion for me.

We received instructions stating that the PMS values in a file sent to us should match a certain CMYK value (which they didn't), but can't find the [new] values provided listed in any of our books.

PMS 290 = C23 M0 Y1 K0
PMS 186 = C2 M100 Y85 K6

What are you guys showing for your CMYK conversions from those PMS values? I'm just trying to figure out where they got these numbers from, and why the file they gave us wouldn't already have the right numbers in it.


Merchant Member
I stick with the CMYK values from Colorbridge...NOT illustrator or photoshop.

Finishline is correct on the CMYKs


New Member
Oh wow... Just dug around through the colour libraries. They've been using Pantone Euro Coated to get their values. Wow. Just wow.