The Q-Series plotters from Sign Warehouse, while made by Graphtec, and appear to be the same as the FC-Series Graphtec machine, are not equivalent machines from a software perspective.
Graphtec firmware updates will not install into the Q-Series, not will the Flexi drivers for the Graphtec FC work with the Q-Series. The essential difference between the machines is that the Q-Series uses a Windows driver developed by Sign Warehouse, and cannot use the Graphtec drivers. This Q-Series driver only supports uni-directional communication (toward the plotter), and cannot move data in the other direction. Hence the Poll function cannot work via this driver.
Since serial communication is inherently bi-directional, and no driver is needed to communicate with the plotter, this is the only scenario where Polling will work from Flexi. Note that you will need a specific serial cable, called a null-modem cable (pins 2 and 3 swapped) to communicate from a Comm Port to the Q-Series.