I wanted to use the signcraft pricing quide for this but of course it is not an option (or I could not find it). So I had someone come to me for new signs for a new business. New 3/16" polycarbonate, new vinyl, design, and install. So I quoted 2 - 132" x 30" single sided with cut vinyl and 2 - 72" x 60" single sided with cut vinyl (everything was 2 color). I charged a TOTAL of $2300 plus tax and the one sign is installed on a roof (ladder only needed) and the other is on a street sign (again done with a ladder). Basically I was charging $20 a square foot for everything since I recently noticed that was what the market would allow. So of course this guy right away goes off on me asking for my best price etc etc. I told him that is my best price and if he finds a local competitor lower than me let me know and I will see what I can do (although I was confident I was already low). now you must know that there are 4 sign shops including myself in a 5 mile radius! and this area doesnt even need close to this many sign shops. Of course I was the first company here, then came 2 franchises and another business decided they wanted to be an overnight sign company. So would you believe out of all the sign shops in this area this friggin guy went outside the area to get his signs done! Im just perplexed, confused, etc. I would have been happy if at least someone locally got the damn job but he went at least 20 miles away to get the job done. Is my price ridiculous? I just don't get it. Obviously this was a client i did not want anyway but I just don't get where the heck I need to be with my pricing to get the jobs. Any input on what you typically charge for a job like this would be greatly appreciated.