dude.. are you serious/ If you got even 1/3 that many calls dropping off the prospects list over that phone service... wouldn't you consider trying something different?
I mean I don't buy in to that "customer is always right' crap... but I don't lay down my classic arrogant rants on them either, the way I like to here...
The customer is just uneducated.. (and not in the Mosh trailer client kind of way... not that there's anything wrong with that
) but in the fact that many of them never bought signs, or cut vinyl before...
consider for a minute that there are clients who are sorta ok with the way you talk to them, and that right now, they are calling your competitor, getting that same resistance, and then they call you... how can you change your tune, without giving away the store, and possibly convert more of them into at least stopping in to your shop?
I used to spend too much of my time, trying to get every detail, and to root out every potential problem, discover every possible surprise, or need for an up-charge... and after baffling them with bullshit for 5 minutes, I might tell them, that their custom typeset, extravagant outlined, obscure colored, pain-to-weed font would cost $50...
but I was losing those jobs until one day I realized if my minimum order for basic cut vinyl was $25, I could say "oh, you want cut vinyl? those jobs are priced
from $25.. or "start at..." or "sell for as little as..."
I think they hear what they want to hear, and if the other guy scares them away with too much information, and a high price... I can get them to come in & then in that same 5 minutes I would have wasted on the phone, I might have to let them know they are asking for some costly variations that could easily be left off to qualify for the basic price... OR I can even show them (if they are business people) that there are ways to spend more money up front on an effective advertising investment that won't really cost them anything, as it will pay for itself... and that the more effective variations will pay for themselves many times over...
Let S101 be the place to rant about the frustration of uninformed clients, (or cheapass ones) ....but on the phone, try sounding like the guy who most wants their business... and you can still say "for a guaranteed price, I need to show you samples & discuss font choices in person, to make sure you are getting exactly what you need"
try it...